Last Call

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'Des, I am in a boy band. xD

I will call you in a while love, it's hectic here.

Love, Lou.'


"I know..I understand, Lou."

"Baby, I never wanted this to happen to us."

"Lou, I don't get it, why are we even having a discussion on this topic. I know how much you love music and singing. This opportunity will not come again, babe."

"Yeah. You are right. But I can't let you go, just like that, Des."

"You have to babe."

"Des, we dated for 4 damned years. How am I supposed to leave all that behind and move forward. Come with me?" 

"Nope, you know I can't. It will be hard for a while, but it will get better."

"De-dessy, I...I am so-sorry."

"Don't be, Lou."

"I will come back for you."

"No, Louis, you will do no such thing. Our journey was till here. It's time we say goodbye."

"B-but, I love you, Dessy."

"I love you too, Louis. Never forget that."


Louis looked down at his phone. The call had ended. Hot stream of tears left his eyes as he thought of the girl he loved and had to let go in order to follow his passion and career. This was harder than he had thought, he never thought his new management would want him to leave few things behind and that would include Dessy. He wanted to be with Des, his girlfriend, and celebrate this victory with her. He wanted to feel the warmth of her lips on his. He wanted her head on his chest, arms wrapped around him, hugging, and wanted to dissolve in her, in her love. But all that was no more possible, Because he was in a band called One Direction. He had a career to make, he had awards to win and millions of heart to conquer along with his bandmates and songs.

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