𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘰𝘵

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I was walking to Leo's new house. We had been going to school together since we were in kindergarten, and I am so not going to stop that now that he isn't living across the street from me. And when I got onto the property, the first thing I thought was damn! Leo's stepdad's made some bank.

And just like I had always done, I walked up to the door and let myself in. "Leo, I'm here." And a blur or something whizzed towards me and took me out.

"[Y/N]?!" Leo's shrill voice entered my ears. "What are you doing here?"

I looked at Leo who was with two boys standing beside him. "I was going to walk with you to school like I've been doing for the past decade. But as you can clearly see I'm on the floor because something or someone knocked into me. And I'm pretty sure you don't have a dog."

"Oh, sorry about that." a female voice said.

I looked up to see a girl with long brown hair with her hand outstretched to me. I took it, and she hoisted me onto my feet. The blur that took me out. It kinda looks like her... form. Well, more like the outline of her form.

"Oh, right. I forgot." Leo told me.

"How did you forget in the thirty minutes it took me to walk over here? You texted me the address!" I told him before looking at the three others standing with him. "And by the way, who the hell are they?"

"Oh, my new step-siblings, Adam," Leo pointed to the taller male, "Chase," the other boy, "and Bree." the girl. "I'm taking them to school with me. Want to join us?" Leo asked.

I rolled my eyes. "I was already going, so sure." And we left the Davenport house.

These teens were a mystery to me. In all of my time I've spent with the newly Dooley-Davenports not once has Leo's new step-father mentioned step-siblings. Or Tasha. Or Leo. And just like the Nancy Drew fan sleuth I am, I was going to get to the bottom of it.

And it wasn't that hard to see the limited social interaction the three Davenport siblings had. As soon as they walked into the school, the three of them started giggling like hamsters.

"I can't believe we're actually at school. I am so excited! Oh, my first lunch lady." Bree ran to the lunch lady and hugged her. "She smelled like fish sticks."

"Do me a favor and try to act like you've seen the world. I have a reputation to uphold here." Steve came and gave my best friend a wedgie (and I had to wince, I just had to). "Ahhh! Good to see you too, Steve!"

Two girls started to walk in the hall and Bree stopped them. "Hi! I'm Bree! I like ponies and girl things." I kinda felt bad when the two girls gave each other dirty looks and walked away. "Did you see that? I have besties. I can't wait to stab them in the back!"

"Just to clarify, I'm your bestie just by association with short stack over here." I commented to them.

Bree's expression beamed down at me. "Really?!"

"Yeah. I'll probably be around a lot just so you know." I told her.

"Sweet!" Leo had this fake smile plastered on his face. The one where he was terrified. But terrified of what in this situation.

"Here, little lady, let me help you out with that." Adam ripped the locker door off Aimee June's locker.

Uh, a normal person can't do that. Maybe a meta-human. Or a mutant. Or the Hulk. Or Spider-Man with his web shooters. Or anyone in the Super Family. Chase walked up to his brother and whispered something to him with Bree in earshot.

And then the bell rang. And he fell onto the floor and started screaming. Like an idiot would. These people are weird. I whipped out a Stenopad from my backpack and took out a pencil from my purse pocket. I marked on the Stenopad: Adam Bree Chase into three columns.

Adam - rip doors off of lockers. Bree - can become a blur. Chase - goes crazy with loud noises. I looked up from my stenopad to see Leo whisper something to Bree and she whispered back. I could not hear them. Chase rested again the shins of his older brother and panting.

"What was that?" Chase asked, looking at us.

"It's called a bell. It rings every forty minutes, eight times a day. So... have fun with that." Leo told him before the four of us left "crazy" on the floor.

The next weird thing to happen was at gym class. We were all sitting on the bleechers. As the rest of the class did basketball drills. I hate sports.

"I hate gym class." Leo commented.

"Why?" asked Adam.

Leo started to show off just how bad his hand and eye coordination really is. "Aaah! That's why."

"So big deal-- You can't play basketball. Chess club's where all the action's at." Chase smirked.

"No, it's not." I commented. "Now, band. Band kids have a lot of action going for them."

"The only reason you would know that is your mom's the band teacher and she gives you horror stories of what she's seen over the years." Leo told me. "But to be fair, you do play Alto Saxophone."

Someone tossed a basketball to Bree who turned to us. "What do I do?"

"Throw it." Bree threw it and it hit Kavan in the face. "To someone who's looking."

"Just once I'd like to show these fools up and go all NBA in their faces." Leo commented.

"Yeah, like that is ever going to happen." I told him to which he glared at me.

"Then why don't you? Go all NBA in their faces?" Chase asked him.

"Look at me! There's more meat on a dog bone!" Leo told him. Yeah, that's true.

"Yeah, but now you have us to help you." Adam told him. And I saw Chase and Bree give each other a look.

"Huh? Wait--what?! No!!! These are my good drawers! Aaaaahhh!!! Aaaah!" Adam tossed Leo making him do a slam dunk.

And then my best friend in all things that are not graceful, fell onto the gym floor. He got up and everyone had a look of bewilderment on their faces as their jaws dropped. And then they started to cheer for him.

"Yeah, I got mad skills! Yeah!" Leo cheered.

Note to self. Adam - can make Leo soar through the air and do a slam dunk.


"Attention, students! The pep rally is starting. Go, dingoes!" Principal Perry's voice said over the intercom.

The cheerleaders were doing their warm up routine for the start of the Pep Rally. And I looked over from my saxophone section of five people to see Leo signing a girl's basketball. I rolled my eyes before looking down at my notes.

"So, [Y/N], have you seen the new kids?" Sara Lange asked me, her shako lop sided.

"Of course, she has. They've been spending a lot of time with Dooley. That is the ony person she hangs with." John Milton, our section leader (and a Junior), said.

"You say it like it's a bad thing." Sara commented.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my notes. These new kids make no sense whatsoever. I looked up to see Adam's eyes turn red. Before a laser shot out towards Dooey Dingo. Adam - can shoot lasers from his eyes. The laser beam started to burn Dooey Dingo's head. Adam - lasers produce heat like Superman.

People were running off the bleachers while I stayed put. A cheerleader in the air screamed. And Bree blurred over to her screaming, "I got her! I got her!" But then the cheerleader landed on the floor. "Oh. Oops. Overshot it. But don't worry. I know a chiropractor in the Philippines."

Bree- can become a blur. Bree - might have superspeed like the Flash.

"People. People. Statistics show that if we don't panic, at least seventy percent of us will make it out alive." Chase said.

People started screaming and running out of the gymnasium. I guess that's my cue to get out of here. ASAP! And I ran into Tasha and Mr Davenport.

"Uh, I think you have some kids to worry about. And ground." I said a eh gesture with my shoulders and hands before running off.

𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙃𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨―𝐂.𝐃. 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now