Chapter Four

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"Mr. Edgar Lois, Kingpin for the cartel, linked to multiple crimes and murders, yet with no conviction. And you think he killed a waitress, a waitress that supposedly robbed him? I don't know Sherlock, seems like kind of a stretch," Captain Gregson said from across his desk.

"The timing all fits. Miss Cassandra Tate was given heroin laced with something was she not?" I asked. Captain Gregson sighed.

"Yea, toxin screening came back. It was laced with ricin. Someone went through the effort to concentrate a lethal dose of it. But how do we know she was targeted, and it wasn't just a random coincidence that she used that specific heroin? Your source is an addict Sherlock"

"Yes, yes, I am aware, but if he was correct in seeing this particular man, we know she was specifically targeted by the assassin. This assassin works for the cartel, and her hand. Her hand was cut off and taken. Usually, a sign for thieving. And whose house was recently broken into? Mr. Edgar Lois, who just happens to be the head of the cartel," I said, eyes flickering away from the constant eye contact. Captain Gregson sighed before nodding his head.

"Alright, alright, you have some good points, may just be strong enough to get a warrant. Go with Detective Bell," Captain Gregson replied.


"So, what's the verdict?" Joan asked as I walked out of the building.

"Detective Bell will accompany us to visit Mr. Edgar Lois," I replied.

"My car or yours?" Detective Bell asked as he followed me out.

"I can get you there faster," Morland stated before pulling his phone out and calling for his whirly bird to be prepared.


After getting through the security gates, we drove up the driveway to the front of the mansion. It was an exquisite building. There seemed to be a large presence of security, all equipped with their own weapons. As we pulled up to the front door, a man came out. He was wearing what seemed to be a very expensive suit, it would probably put my father's suits to shame.

"Welcome, welcome, what brings the NYPD to my doors this time?" The man asked, smirking. That was a smirk that got away with things often.

"Detective Bell, these are my consulting detectives Joan and Sherlock, and Sherlock's..ahh family," Detective Bell stated, shrugging at me. I'm not sure what they're still doing here either, I snorted.

"Whiskey?" he asked.

"No, no, we just have a few questions for you if you don't mind Mr. Lois," Detective Bell replied.

"Of cause, go ahead," he replied.

"It's a very heavy security presence on this property, would that be due to your recent break in?" I asked. The man grinned.

"Ahh straight to the point. I like this man! Yes, to answer your question. I was recently broken into, nothing was stolen," he replied.

"Do these men have current licenses to carry these weapons Mr. Lois," Detective Bell asked.

"Of cause," he grinned.

"And the person who broke in, any suspects?" I asked. He looked at me, grin dropping for a hint of a second.

"No..none at all," he replied.

"And absolutely nothing was stolen? May I look around?" I asked. He laughed. Detective Bell looked at me as if I was crazy to be so blunt with the man. Drug lord or not, I didn't care.

"Of cause Sherlock, as you wish, but I must ask the rest of you to stay here, security reasons, you understand yes?" He asked.

"I don't think that's..." Detective Bell started

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