Of Galahan and the Forgotten Bloodline

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Shortly after the First Diplomatic Council with the Nimdarnian kingdom amidst the mountain ranges and green fields of Vilthion, Ayngin - the then-king of the mighty Kalathor was faced with a choice which would determine the relations between the two great realms. Several legions of Kalathor, including many ambassadors and councilors were invited in a conversatiоn of peace with the Nimdarnian king Algeron. The main goal of the negotiations was sharing the resources of Vilthion which seemed to be a land rich of ore and would suit the needs of both kingdoms.

However, Ayngin Wanadiel was not a man known for honor and trust. During his reign of over fifty years, he had crossed over countless towns and villages, poisoning the minds of mere men and convincing them that he would be there to protect them when the need arises. And yet, he never did. History tells of several settlements or small villages on the borders of Kannd and Ard - Gannar, remnants of the ancient men who migrated from the Ageless Lands at the beginning of the human race and did not follow their leaders until the very end of their journey. It was easy to notice the greed in the eyes of the old king, he did not care for the lives of peasants and folk far from the walls and towers of his great kingdom. Two thoughts swirled inside his mind ever since the first day he sat on the tall throne: spreading his rule across the lands and filling the vaults of gold with more wealth than any other king. Nevertheless, the Nimdarnian king Algeron did not wish bloodshed and worked hard to ensure a prospering age of the two realms and it was this very reason that he invited Ayngin in Vilthion to forge the first true alliance among Kalathor and Nimdarn.

After a long debate which lasted for two days, the negotiations turned to be an utter failure. The mad Kalathorian king finally stood up, his fists pressed against the wooden table in the middle of the tent, his eyes burning in a flame of anger and impatience. He threatened the other lord that if the Nimdarnians do not leave Vilthion in seven days, he would declare war against his people and would slaughter every single man that stood in his way. Ayngin had no intention of sharing his property with another realm. It was not rare to speak to his councilors, addressing his opponents as lesser beings, creatures of lower rank and heritage. There was a mad idea twisting his mind that he was chosen by the Gods to lead the old Kaelthar people to greater days than ever before and he would squash everyone standing in his way like a bug under a heavy hoof. However, Algeron believed that the lands of Vilthion were a rightful property of Nimdarn since his father Avadys had conquered it long before he was born and they raised the tower known as "Manespire" or Sithyr Baen in the old Nimdarnian dialect, to stand guard on the road connecting Thanorr and Azureveil.

The councilors of lord Algeron predicted the outcome long before the Nimdarnians set foot on the soil of Vilthion. They were well aware of the reputation of the mad king of Kalathor, his treacherous ways of making deals and his words filled with dishonesty. And unlike Ayngin, lord Algeron listened to their words.

In the middle of the deep night, when the silvery moon was high in the sky, Ayngin ordered his men to slaughter the king of Nimdarn and his councilors and his next goal was to march on Nimdarn and claim it for his own. He has long heard of their precious ore dug in the Star Caverns and he knew that having such power in his possession would make him unstoppable. The other rulers would fear Kalathor and none would dare challenge him as he marches throughout their lands, conquering them one by one, spreading his own kingdom to the farthest reaches of Nordenheim.

But, Algeron expected such an act of the old king. And heeding the words of his advisors, he came to Vilthion with an army of Nimdarnian longbow rangers ready to strike if an opportunity arises. His never sleeping guards caught the invaders in their camp and a fierce battle engulfed. The Kalathorian attackers were slaughtered, many of them taken down by the archers firing from the veil of darkness, few of them captured and their eyes torn out to remind the king of his treachery. Having nowhere to go, the forces of Ayngin were pinned to a corner by the Nimdarnian strike force and it was lord Algeron himself who placed the dagger on the throat of the Kalathorian king and cut his throat.

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