Tales of the Primordial Age

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There was an age, a long time ago, before the birth of the first men and rise of great kingdoms, before the carving of the titans' tablets and written letters of the Asurian kind. An age unknown to common mortals and primitive minds unable to comprehend it. A time before the great mountains hid the blurry horizons and sun lit the birth of green plants and grasslands. 

A glance of nothing, where time was none and space was neither. Only two primordial "beings", if they could be named as such, are eternal and omnipresent, roaming alone in the endless abyss, striving to find something that would change the unimaginable sorrow and loneliness in their very core. The most fundamental forces in existence, their pure energy radiating through everything there was, is and will ever be.

The light, Anaya she was named and yet, whether her true name was that or it was given millenniums ago by an unknown historian, no one could really tell. For there was no living being, nor a dead soul or spirit haunting another realm to witness it. And he was Sul'Zhagul, a prime evil and darkness, the primordial villain and destroyer, the corruptor. But, "evil" was just a coined term, as was "good", forged by complex tongues of rising civilizations millions years later before the time of nothing. And these notions meant little, I dare might say, nothing, to these forces. Even the genders they formed to title these divine beings were hardly true, for light and darkness had no gender. 

Beings throughout the ages, Greater Ones named them, since their existence was greater than anything that was, is and will ever be. They were everything and they were nothing. Strange, beautiful and yet, too peculiar for a primitive mind to imagine that even the thought of their form would only be a drop in an ocean of speculations rising throughout timelines and a true gaze upon them would cause a mortal soul to fall into madness.

Drawn by their own loneliness and lust, their will to find another one to share their existence, although contradictory in their nature, Anaya and Sul'zhagul discovered something they had never felt before. An unknown feeling more powerful and more burning than anything they had ever felt and in this age of nothing, they discovered love.

" Let us be and be until the end of all, for together, we shall design miracles and awe that would change the face of the nothingness expanding around us" Sul'zhagul said to his beloved and Anaya smiled in agreement.

An outburst, one of two, as bright as endless suns ignited the emptiness when the bond was shaped, spreading like a blossoming flower waking in the dawn of a warm spring. One could only guess what really happened in the time before time, forming sentences and mere thoughts only by tales told by Gods of old, for none had been there to witness the birth of everything there is. But, according to the lore keepers of the titan race, a fruit sprouted in the midst of their light, a grain of their unimaginable love known as the Ilisarin - the Well of Creation.

An object of unknown matter, its strange-shaped walls brighter than purest gold and stronger than diamonds of later dusk. Rivers of weird energy like an ink made of light and darkness spread on all sides of the abyss, a mystical power too great for any living being to understand its purpose and meaning. Wild, shapeless torrents bolting as far as anything could be reached, going to corners where even the light and darkness had never been. And the very essence of the divine magic was born.

For countless ages, the Well shone its gleam across the expanding emptiness, untamed and chaotic and soon, Anaya and Sul'zhagul realized that the rays of force of the Ilisarin needed to be bent and formed and so they did. They wove the torrents of energy and the spellthreads emerged. And time began to flow, second by second, like a breeze slowly moving through an empty field of barren land. And space warped and shaped, spreading on all sides of the nothing that there was. And they were happy.

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