Chapter 6 : great war

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Scott arrived at the hospital soon after his fortnite session was over. He wanted to see if Ted Cruz was ok, but more importantly, he had a morbid obsession with hospital food. Chips, meatloaf, Mountain Dew, you name it, it's better at a hospital. Ever since he was a child he had exclusively dined at hospitals. No matter how many times he got Pneumonia or the flu, he still firmly believed that hospital food was superior. But today, he thought that he would get food after he visited Ted. That's the decision that would make Scott look like he had morals.
After asking for his room number from the front desk, he stepped onto the crowded elevator. There were multiple people around him, all there for a different reason. It was a very sweaty and uncomfortable situation, and Scott didn't want anything to do with it. However, he noticed a girl staring at him from the corner of the elevator.
"Why are you staring at me?" Scott asked hesitantly. The girl stared more intensely, and she brought her hands up to form a heart.
"I want you," she croaked out. A manic grin spread on her face.
"What? Who are you?" Scott asked with fear in his voice.
"I'm Brooklynn, and you're HOT," the girl answered. Scott hesitated for a second. He was almost tempted, but then he remembered him and Sarah's bond over BTS and all their precious moments that they shared together.
"Sorry, Brooklynn," he said the name in disgust. "But I'm spoken for. I already have a girlfriend, and her name is Sarah."
Brooklynn's face turned into sorrow. She looked down, and then suddenly started sobbing loudly. Everyone in the elevator was staring now, and Scott turned a bright red. Brooklynn's sadness soon turned into rage, though, and she started screaming.
"You'll regret that decision one day!" she screeched, crying. At that moment, the elevator doors opened and she stormed out. Scott stumbled out a second later, not very bothered by the minor inconvenience. Stuff like that happened to him all the time. Finally, he approached Ted Cruz's room: 666.
He knocked on the door. He heard a shuffling from inside. After not getting an answer, Scott decided to break the door down and head inside. He saw Ted, some guy he didn't know, and a body lying on the floor... What happened here? The residents hadn't noticed him come in, so Scott ran behind a short wall to hide.
"Ted baby, do you have your fursuit on?" The guy that Scott didn't know said. Scott covered his mouth in shock. Furries! He had always heard of them in history books, but he had never seen any in real life.
"Yes my schnookie-wookie, I'm putting it on right now." Ted Cruz called. Somehow, despite Scott crushing him with a food truck, he was unscathed. How could that happen? Was he... No, he couldn't be... Was Ted Cruz an immortal regenerative lizard person?
Just then, the guy that Scott didn't know started laughing crazily.
"Sweet Sarah will love our fursuits! I can't wait until she wakes up." Unknown guy called out. Scott could see Ted Cruz licking his lips in anticipation. It was very loud, and all of Ted's mouth sounds were giving scott ASMR tingles.
"Wait," Scott thought. "Sarah... MY Sarah?" He started panicking. Now that he looked closer, the body laying on the ground was wearing the same diamond tracksuit it had on earlier... It was Sarah! "Poopy!" Scott swore in his head. That was the only swear his mom would let him say, and he still felt bad saying it. Now he had to devise a plan... How would he save Sarah? Like a jolt of lightning, Scott knew just what to do.
"I'm gonna kill those furries!" Scott screamed in his head. He charged right into the furry body of Ted Cruz and started swinging his small fists at his abdomen, but the senator was faster. Ted picked up Scott by his legs and started swinging him around his head like a helicopter blade. Scott screamed as loud as he could, because he was frightened. He had no idea he was this strong. Ted Cruz had picked him up with his paws like it was nothing. Meanwhile, Cohen started calling backup. As soon as he set down his phone, he ran right towards the fight.
"Throw him to me, Ted!" Cohen yelled.
Ted let go of Scott's legs, but he missed Cohen. Scott went sailing right towards the wall and slammed head-first into the concrete walls of the hospital room.
"Ted, you dumb idiot!" Cohen yelled. "I told you to throw him to me!"
"Sorry, babe, I just missed. It was a mistake." Ted apologized.
Cohen sighed. "Fine, it's fine, but now they're both unconscious. What do we do with the male?"
Ted looked around for a bit. Then an evil idea crept into his head. He started smiling and hissing like a true madman. "You called the furry patrol for backup right?"
"Yeah baby-poo, I did, but what does that have to do with anything?"
"We'll feed him to the wolves if you catch my drift..." Ted muttered devilishly. He started laughing crazily, and soon Cohen joined in.
Just then, they heard a rustling coming from the middle of the room. Sarah was sat upright, and she was gathering her things into her gucci vintage purse. She put on her Louis Vuitton sunglasses to leave while Cohen and Ted watched her. When she looked up to see them in fursuits, she jumped and put her hand over her heart. She lowered her sunglasses to eye them up and down judgmentally, and then got up to leave. The senator and the other guy watched in awe.
"Where are you going sweet Sarah?" Cohen asked inquisitively.
"Anywhere away from this lame party." She answered. She approached the door to leave, but suddenly a large flood of furries bursted through the doors. It was a sea of brightly colored faux furs, all of their furry tails sticking out in every direction.
"FURRY PATROL, OPEN UP!" They screeched in unison.
Sarah screamed, as she was having a Vietnam flashback to the days when Cohen would make her dress up as a furry for him. She screamed louder and louder, until she heard something from behind her.
"S-Sarah?" a familiar voice called out.
"Scott?" She asked frantically. She turned around to find that Scott's head was stuck in the wall, as if it had been thrown really hard. Gasping loudly, Sarah turned to face Ted.
"What did you do?" She yelled at him.
Ted's eyes turned dark. "Look away, Sarah... I don't think you want to see this." Ted turned towards the crowd of furries. "Furries... Sic em'!" He screamed.
The crowd of furries flooded even further into the hospital room, heading towards the injured body of Scott. They looked almost hungry, their tails all wagging in circles. As they headed towards him, suddenly Sarah got up. She slowly walked in between the two forces. It was like when the red sea was parted; a very intimate moment.
"STOP FATTIES," Sarah yelled through the commotion. Everything was silent. The furries stood, waiting for her to talk.
"This is my mans, and if you want to eat him, that's fine... but just remember, he drives a food truck so y'all probably shouldn't eat him. Also he's kinda fat," Sarah spoke into the crowd. "And I don't think he showers more than once a month. But still, you shouldn't eat him because... b-because..."
"Spit it out!" Yelled a purple furry from the crowd. Sarah gulped loudly, sweat glistening on her forehead.
"BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!" Sarah screamed from her heart. She was crying now, because of how much she loved Scott and his glasses that made him look like a knob and his gross baggy pants that he always wore.
Scott, with his head still in the wall, started to gain motion in his body again. He lowered his head out of the wall, pushing outward with his hands. He stared at the ground for a bit, and then eventually turned to Sarah with a big hair flip.
"You d-d-d-d-do?" Scott asked, trembling with fear and LUST.
The couple's eyes met, and Sarah stopped crying.
"Bruh... I do," Sarah whispered.
They ran towards each other as fast as they could and started making out like the high heavens. They were going at it so hard that Scott's glasses fell off and so did some of Sarah's gucci tracksuit diamonds. It was wet, it was juicy, and most of all, it was frivolous. Any one who walked in on them would think that Scott was about to get impregnated.
When they were done, everything was quiet. Ted Cruz stared his vacant, lizard stare, and Cohen stood next to him, shaking with fury.
"REEEEEEEEEE..." yodeled the furries. They had seen enough. The furries fled out through the door, leaving nothing behind but a few patches of fur.
The room went back to being quiet. Sarah and Scott stared at each other, now more in love than ever before. Scott slowly reached down to something on the ground. Painfully slowly, he took off his Adidas slides, raised his leg up, and put a toe on Sarah's forehead. He started stroking her face with his greasy, unwashed toe. Sarah let out her 5 foot long tongue and licked the toe on her forehead, enjoying every second.
"What are you poopy heads doing?!" Cohen yelled.
Shocked, Sarah and Scott gasped. What a naughty word!
"We are doing our mating ritual, you dirty scoundrel... Sarah and I are in love, and you're just gonna have to live with that!" Scott yelled, big toe still on Sarah's face cavity.
Cohen's face shriveled up in disgust. "You know what... frick you!" He screamed. "I brought you here so that you could be happy with us as a furry... but now I see your priorities lie elsewhere! Come on, Ted, we're leaving!" Cohen put up his pinky fingers in a rude gesture. He was bright red with fury, and he stormed out of the hospital room with Ted right behind him.
"Hehe... I guess it's just us now," Sarah said without blinking. Wait... Sarah hadn't blinked the whole time they were in the hospital... Does Sarah even blink?
"Y-yeah... hehe..." Scott burped.
The room got quiet. Things were starting to get awkward. Think Scott, think! Say something!
"You wanna go back to my place and see my collection of BTS body pillows?" He asked shyly. Sarah's eyes lit up.
"Boy do I!"
And so it was.

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