1.Into The Uknown

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Fuck! I hate paperwork. I dropped the pen and swirled round my office chair,and faced the wall. As much as I loathed all the work that came with being an Alpha,I knew one thing for sure,that in all packs,paperwork was inevitable,just like death.

Mh, death.

I wonder why people were afraid of death,instead of embracing it...not that I wanted to die;I still had a lot ahead of me. I mean,it's just an escape from the harsh reality that life has to offer;a state of pure peace and silence,where you are in deep tranquil and nothing matters at all,where the world fades away. It was just serene and calm and....

"Alpha?" a voice I knew too well returned me back from my trance.

I was perplexed. Not because of the voice,but because of my previous action. I never,ever zoned out while doing my work. I always focused till the very end,then I would go to the training grounds or to my personal gym, work my body off,till I was dripping wet of sweat. Even though I zoned out for a mere five minutes,to me it was simply unusual. Maybe...

"Alpha? Are you okay,do you need anything?"


What was wrong with me? I had become too engrossed in my thoughts that I couldn't concentrate on my work.

Breaking off from my thoughts completely,I turned myself from the wall,swirling back to face the front.

"What is it, Beta Raymond?"I asked putting on my infamous poker face,with not a hint of emotion on it

"Alpha,you told me to remind you of the meeting scheduled with the council, concerning the event coming up in a few days that they wanted to discuss with you."

Raymond Spinner was just like me: bold and tough. He barely showed any emotions,and logically understood that being too open came with a price,especially in our pack,where anything could happen and become an inlet for our foes. He was a great thinker and a skilled warrior,making him perfect for the Beta position.

"Are they in the conference room?"

"Yes Alpha,they are currently in waiting."

"Good. Inform them I'll be there in five," I replied.

"Yes Alpha." he replied walking off,leaving me with my thoughts.

In my pack,there is a council of the elder wolves who help in making major decisions, that involved the pack. As the head of the Council of Alphas worldwide,I could not make major decisions alone.

I needed meaningful assistance.

I choose the members of the council with great consideration and effective elaboration,knowing that their years of working as former Betas, Gammas and Deltas would come in handy,and up to date,there hasn't been an ounce of disappointment from my side. I greatly respected them knowing that Silver Gleam wouldn't be the greatest pack in Alaska,or rather the whole of the world,without their presence in matters concerning the pack,and they too respected me as their Alpha and leader.

I valued such connections.

I stood from my black leather office chair and checked the time from my watch.

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