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—-smut warning—-

I felt mattia hands going up my shirt as he licked the back of my neck

Alejandro's hands on my thighs as he made hickeys all over my neck

I started to grind on Alejandro's thigh hitting mattias growing boner every time I moved back

I felt myself need to release soon throwing my hand back on mattias shoulder only giving Alejandro space to suck at my sweet spot.

Soft moans release my mouth as I move my hips quicker on Alejandro's thigh.

A few seconds later I cum all  over Alejandro's thigh moaning loudly.

Kairis eyes shot open, seeing Alejandro sleeping a inches away from me turning over to see mattia facing the other way.

Kairi quickly got up and walked to the bathroom wondering why he had a dream about his dead ex with their child and a sex dream about his best friends in the same night.

When Mattia and Alejandro heard I louder moan seeing the boy throw his head back slightly they quickly faked slept into random positions fooling Kairi to thinking he was just imagined things

When they heard Kairi shut the bathroom door they both sat up looking at Alejandro wet sweats that Kairi had released on.

"He fucking cummed on you?!" Mattis whispered to Alejandro

"Why the fuck do you have a fucking boner mattia?!" Alejandro whispered yelled looking at mattia sweatpants print

"Bruh you do too!" Mattia said pointing at Alejandro's Dick

When they heard the shower start Alejandro got up changing into the extra sweatpants he brought shoving the wet ones on the bottom of his bag

When they both calmed down they agreed to act like nothing happened this morning.

They heard the shower stop and sat on Kairis' bed scrolling through social media.

Robert sat up form the floor staring at something random in his room trying to realize he's alive and not in a different dimension

When Kairi came out of the shower he was only in a towel

He quickly walked to his closet grabbing clothes then walking back to the bathroom to change

He came out wearing a black playboy cropped hoodie and sweatpants

He came out wearing a black playboy cropped hoodie and sweatpants

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(A/n basic Ik ik)

The three boys who were awake all looked at Kai who walked towards he's vanity

"Good morning guys I'm not sure what you want to do today but I have to got to my doctors appointment for an ultrasound and some blood work so I'll probably meet y'all after but y'all can stay here since my mom and mayia aren't coming back till Monday night"
Kairi said as he applied mascara, blush, and lip gloss to his face.

"We can go with you" Mattia said, referring to him and Alejandro.

"If your free y'all can tag along I'm leaving after we eat so hurry and get ready" Kairi said before walking out his room

He grabbed his reusable water bottle that was already in the fridge drinking half of it before refilling it and setting it on the counter.

He made some  oatmeal adding bananas and different berrys to it.

He saw everyone come down looking ready for the day

"Bye Kai me and Rob are going the girls volleyball game" Roshawn said as he waved goodbye to everyone.

Once they left Mattia and Alejandro checked the fridge grabbing random things they could heat up in the microwave

"Sorry I didn't make you guys breakfast. I made oatmeal and I know y'all don't like it" Kairi said, finishing his big bottle of water.

"don't worry kai we're big boys we can find things to eat"

Once they all ate they drove 30 minutes to the doctors office. After Kairi checked in they ran a few tests on him and did an ultrasound.

"Would you like for us to take a DNA test to find out who the father is today?" The women asked when they finished the ultrasound knowing the baby was growing and developing quite well.

"Oh neither of them are either father" Kairi said to the women. Her eyes widened looking at the men who were sitting next to Kairi

"I'll give you all a minute to talk"she said, trying to leave.

" oh wait no not like that sorry, these are my friends. The father of my baby passed away in a car accident a week before I found out about my pregnancy." He explained to the woman.

"My apologies, you may all head home for today well call you for your next appointment."

Kairi changed into his clothes walking out of the doctor's offic.

The drive back home was silent

Kairi jumped out the car when they parked rushing into his house

Kairi walked into his bathroom slamming the door

Mattia and Alejandro quickly followed him knowing he wasn't going to use the bathroom

"Kairi open this door!" Mattia said as he banged on the door

They again had to pick the lock of the bathroom walking in on Kairi only in his bra and underwear

Usually in this situation they would walk out but
As  they look down they see Kairi standing on a scale trying to weight himself.

Before the number could pop up mattia placed his foot hiding the number from the boy who looked up at him with tears flooding his eyes

"Let's take a nap kai Kai" mattia said as he lifted the boy up

"No please I saw it at the doctor's office today I just- I can't do this anymore, I eat 3-4 meal a every day and I know I'm getting fatter and fatter every day." The boy sobbed into Mattia's shoulder.

"Kai you have to eat everyday not only for you but for your baby, think about when you have your healthy baby you're going to love it so much."

Mattia layed Kairi on the bed hugging him.
Alejandro layed down on the bed when Kairi grabbed his hand pulling him to hold Kairi's chest as mattia held his waist.

"Please don't leave me" Kairi said in a small voice holding one of Alejandro hands and holding on one Mattais hands

"We won't kai" Alejandro said seeing the boy falling asleep

Him and mattia layed there watching over Kairi before also falling asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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