Chapter 1

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Six Months Earlier

Governor Justin Bond was meeting with his top two military Commanders, Lee Adama and his daughter, Kara-Thrace Bond, planning the upcoming Raptor missions to Kepler 452b. He, of course, had been briefed long before the departure of his fleet about the suspicions about Kepler 452b, and he knew that if those suspicions were confirmed, it would have a terrible effect on the Colonial members of the fleet-and most especially his adopted daughter. He was doing his level-best to keep not only the two Admirals, but everyone else, in a business-like mindset as they planned for the up-close examination of the Exoplanet.

"Let me ask you this, Lee", he turned to his military C-in-C, "what if we not only send out some Raptors but what about if one of the DSE's were to move ahead and join the scouting mission?"

Lee was silent for a moment as he pondered that question from The Boss, "Kara and I were talking about that same thing the other day, sir, and it has merit. We can always jump or send one of the DSE's into high warp with the Raptors onboard, then do the scouting from there. I think it'd be more efficient to do it that way, Boss", he concluded the thought, "not that the Raptors aren't capable of doing the mission on their own, but we have the resources, so we might as well use them."

Admiral Thrace-Bond tried to keep this part of their mission out of her mind for as long as possible. When she had learned of the adjusted course the fleet would take, and that it would take it by Kepler 452b, and then learning about Gaius' hunch, the thought of what this place could be had almost made her vomit. But she also knew she had a job to do, and she would do it.

"I think you're right, Governor", she said. In a formal briefing like this, her father was "Governor", and she was "Admiral". They had learned a long time ago how to separate their family life and their working relationship. "It will make the mission go a lot smoother, with fewer chances of any frack-ups."

"That's settled then", the Governor came to a decision, "For this mission, I am planning to send Admiral Larinov and the Nelson Mandela on the mission. Lee, should Nick be in overall command of the Wranglers?" His son, Lieutenant Nicholas "Axman" Bond was CAG on the Adama, and by protocol, made him senior CAG in the fleet, but he didn't want to make the decision unilaterally.

"Nick's CAG for a reason, Governor", Lee offered, "and on a mission like this, I think it's appropriate that he lead the Raptors on the scouting runs."

"Then I have a request, sirs", Starbuck interjected.

"What is that, Admiral?", her father said in curiosity.

"I'd like to fly with Nick in the lead Raptor when we eyeball the planet." That had come out in an almost ghost-like voice from Admiral Thrace-Bond, and with good reason. If Kepler 452b was what they thought it might be, it would be an unpleasant moment for Starbuck, and both men knew why.

"Kara", the Governor said, reverting more towards the "dad" in their relationship, "are you absolutely sure you want to do this?" He was protective of his adopted daughter, but he also knew he couldn't shield her from her Fleet duties, but he was mightily concerned about her request, "I know what the consequences will be if we confirm this, but when in that cockpit, you know you have to put your personal feelings aside."

"I know, dad", she said, the protocol being dismissed for a moment. Lee Adama was practically another member of the Bond family, and it didn't bother him in the least. In fact, he understood that, at a moment like this, a daughter needed to talk to her father. "But I am familiar with the geography of the other Earth, and I can tell pretty damn quick if Kepler is the old Cylon planet."

The Governor looked over at his Military Commander, "Lee?"

Lee took a deep breath then went on, "I'm good with it on one condition, Kara: that you stay out of Admiral Larinov's command while on board", he said with a no-nonsense tone, "I'm sure you will anyway, but being his superior, that could get awkward."

"I understand, Lee", she said without rancor, which showed how much she had matured since coming to Earth, "in fact, I won't take station on the Mandela until the day we depart, and I'll keep out of Anton's way, I promise."

"OK, then", Lee said evenly, "With your permission, Governor, I'll take a Raptor over and advise Anton of the orders, and we'll start putting an Op Plan together."

"Thank you, Lee", he said with a smile, "I appreciate that, son. Kara, you're to go with Admiral Adama to the Mandela. Since it's already 2100, set the meeting up for tomorrow morning. Lee, you can call Anton and set the time. I want you both, however, getting a good night's rest, so you can be sharp when putting the Op Plan together."

"Yes, Governor", they both said at the same moment, standing up and saluting him.

"Dismissed", he told them both, "Kara, Can you come by and visit your mother and I for a few minutes around 2130?"

"I'm worried about you doing this, honey", Judith Bond said, the worry clearly lined on her face, "Knowing the nightmares that place has given you, I just want to make sure you're really OK with this."

Her mother was her best friend in the world, and she couldn't dismiss her concern, "Thanks, mom, you don't know how much it means to me that you're looking out for me", Kara said with a smile, "But I've got to know. I really do."

"I just don't want you to get knocked backward again, like what happened during the war", Judy continued, "I know, you're not the same person you were back in '27, I get that. But that place holds so many bad memories for you."

"The good thing, Judy, is this is just a scouting mission, not a boots on the ground mission", her husband offered, "We'll have time to study the planet from the ground once we arrived, this is just a fact-finding and a confirmation mission, nothing else."

The Kara before 2027 would have been thinking about landing her Raptor once she put Mark One Eyeballs on the world, but those days were gone, both for military and personal reasons. She was a professional officer now, and she couldn't imagine disobeying an order from either Lee or Governor Bond, but more importantly, she could never break the implicit trust that existed between her and her father.

"That's the one thing comforting me right now, mom", she looked over at her mother with a smile, "Nick's gonna be with me in the Raptor, and if I even had the thought in my mind of landing, he'd take control of the ship away from me", she said with a wry smile.

"Alright, then, honey, you have my blessing", her mother walked over and put her arms around Kara, "You would have gone anyway, even without my blessing, but I feel better about this."

"Mom, your blessing means everything to me, and I'm glad I could put some of your fears to rest." She hugged her adoptive mother with all her strength.

"Just promise me you'll be safe?"

"Always, Mom.", she said with a small laugh.

Part 3 Battlestar Galactica: Back To The Colonies: Kepler 452bDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora