Chapter 2

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Starbuck's mother might have been convinced, but Kara's brother, Lieutenant Nicholas Bond was a far more skeptical audience on the subject, and when he found out the general outlines of the Op Plan, he immediately went to see his Boss, Admiral Lee Adama.

"With all due respect, Admiral", "Axman" began, "and I'm not mad at you, or for that matter, anyone, I'm worried about how Admiral Thrace-Bond will deal with this if we find out that Kepler is also this other Earth."

Lee understood his concern, as he had shared it, but for once, he wasn't happy with the formality that Nick had attached to the sentence. "Lieutenant, it's only you and me in here, so cut the 'Admiral' bullshit for a moment, Nick. We're not talking about 'The Admiral': we're talking about your sister at the moment, Kara Thrace-Bond." He didn't like to chew out any of his crew if he could help it, but this wasn't so much about a military or scientific matter as it was Starbuck's past.

Nick Bond was as sure about himself as his father, but the mild dressing-down he just received, did make him slightly blush as he continued, "I know that, sir", he said contritely, "and that's why I'm so damned concerned", and Lee could see the concern etched all over the younger man's face, "I'm just worried what this will do to her psyche."

"I understand that, Nick", Lee said sympathetically, "Your father, Kara and I have discussed this; your parents and Kara have discussed this, so believe me, we know people are concerned", he paused for a moment then went on, "and besides, your sister isn't the same person that she was when your parents adopted her in '27. That Kara is gone, Nick."

Nick sighed with a bit of frustration, and got the hint that his Admiral was talking to him as someone who was almost a member of his family, "I know, Lee..." dropping the title for a moment, which made Lee smile, "Kara means the world to me, and to Abby, not to mention mom and dad. We've all been almost militantly protective of her since the adoption", this time a small smile crossed Axman's face, "and she's probably more protective of us than we are of her."

"That's why I'm glad you called for this meeting, Axman", Lee offered, "I knew from the moment you found out that you'd have some major concerns. And there will be a time and a place to handle this within the confines of military protocol, but right now, my job is to help you get over your concerns if I can."

"I appreciate that, sir. I really do", Nick said, becoming slightly mollified, "I'm not criticizing Kara, believe me, but I just want to make sure my sister isn't too rattled by this."

"Point taken, Nick", and Lee knew that was the crux of it. In that cockpit, he knew for the mission part, it would be Lieutenant Bond and Admiral Thrace-Bond, but wanted Nick there to help his sister, "Just remember, there are times when family over-rules military protocol, and when you'll have to be her brother and not a Lieutenant. If you do notice anything, and you feel that somehow she isn't right, you have my blessing and that of your dad to make sure Kara doesn't jeopardize anything", Lee couldn't imagine Kara doing anything of the sort, but as his father had told him, The Boss on a Battlestar always had to be a pessimist and prepare for the worst.

"I understand, sir", Nick said, finally relaxing, "To be honest, I don't think that will happen. But I'm worried more about how she'll handle it emotionally. I know there's a lot of bad memories there for everyone from The Colonies."

"An understatement, Nick, if there every was one", and he shuddered himself at the memories of that experience. "You and Kara will have time to sit down to talk, sibling and sibling. Use that time, because it will make both of you more prepared militarily to carry out the mission."

"You're right sir, and maybe I should talk to my folks as well just to make sure all of us are on the same page", Lee was feeling better as he felt his CAG was in a better frame of mind.

Part 3 Battlestar Galactica: Back To The Colonies: Kepler 452bWhere stories live. Discover now