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Five Days Later

The survey was complete. Not only had the Raptors surveyed the surface, but other equipment had surveyed the oceans and underneath the surface of the planet, to be studied at a later date. It would be at least a valuable historical record of this world, and the hope was that, someday, new life could spring up on the dead world.

The afternoon before The Fleet was to resume the journey to The Colonies, Kara called her parents and her siblings together, and informed them they were going to the surface for a brief time. Her mother, Nick, and Abby hadn't figured out what they were going down for. But they went anyway.

Once on the surface, Kara allowed them to see with their eyes, the destruction around them. It had literally taken their breaths away. "I thought it was important for all of you to see what happened to the people on this world, so that we don't forget them, and that we won't repeat their mistakes."

"I can't imagine what it was like here when the war broke out", her mother whispered, aghast at the sight.

"That isn't the reason I brought you down here, guys", and she bade them to follow her. She went up to her mother and clasped her hand, and they moved out. Like before, it took about ten minutes to get to the spot. And, like before, slowly the image of a Viper Cockpit appeared before them.

They now knew why Kara had brought them here. Seeing the cockpit had instantly stunned them.

Nick being the soldier, kept his emotions in check, but it clearly was tearing at him. Abby was in tears the moment she saw the cockpit. Jody Bond hadn't gotten emotional until she saw the word Lieutenant Thrace, written in Caprican on the side, she broke down at that moment.

"I brought dad here when we first arrived," Kara said emotionally, but knowing she had made peace with whatever had taken place here. "This is where I found 'me', or what looked like me, when I was here twenty-five years ago." She paused while even Nick broke into tears.

"Dad and I didn't find any answers here, beyond simply the unanswerable questions that remain", she said, looking at the cockpit, "but I want you to know that I've made my peace with whatever happened here."

Abby had come up on the other side of her mother, and she and Kara supported her. Judith Bond was weeping as hard as she had in her entire life. Kara reflected again what incredible people her parents were.

"I know it's a shock to see this place in person finally", she then smiled, "and don't feel bad, dad was an emotional wreck when he saw it as well.", which made them all laugh through their tears.

"I wanted to bring you here to let you know that I'm past this part of my life. Maybe dad is still right: maybe this was God showing me what might have happened to me if I didn't become a better person. I don't know", she said honestly, but without overt emotion this time, "But what I know, with all my heart, is these events were the beginning of leading me to you", she said, with tears finally breaking out, but tears of pride at being surrounded by the most important people in her life, "Without whatever happened here, I probably don't find you, or you me. But what matters is that the four of you helped me get beyond this place of mystery and uncertainty. And as I bury it in my past for all time, I wanted you to be here to bury it with me."

Her mother struggled to regain her composure. Like her husband, the physical presence of this cockpit, and the thought of Kara seeing...herself...here had hit her with an emotional wave that she hadn't been prepared for. "Kara...", she stifled more cries, "I'm glad you brought us here, darling", her mom turning toward her with tears, but also with unrestrained love and pride on her face, "I'm glad we are here, as a family, as you put this moment in your past."

"I wouldn't be able to face this without the four of you", she said looking at all of them with immense pride, "I hope you don't mind that I made you all into emotional messes for a time", which made everyone laugh again. Then Kara turned to her mom.

"Mom, when you and dad adopted me, you made a commitment to always be there for me, to help me through any setback in my life, and you've done that", she said with strength, as she embraced the most wonderful woman she had ever known, "and as I told dad, it works both ways. The other reason I wanted to bring you here is to re-dedicate myself to all of you, to let you know that I'm here whenever you need me, even if I'm billions of miles away, and that together, we can overcome any obstacle."

Her mom cried some more. She eventually stepped back, and Kara gave her a long kiss on her cheek. Nick and Abby both came up to her and embraced her for long stretches, and she kissed them both. Finally, she went up to her dad. Both of them were over the emotional impact of this place, and she embraced him fiercely, and he kissed her on the forehead.

She smiled up at him when she broke the embrace, and then took a cleansing breath, "Now, let's head to The Colonies", she said, and led them away from that place and put it forever in her past.

To Be Continued...

Part 3 Battlestar Galactica: Back To The Colonies: Kepler 452bWhere stories live. Discover now