Test results

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"Have you told them yet?" Alana said to me.

" no, I don't know what to say, who to tell" I mumbed

"Look, you need to tell someone before your baby bump gets too big and something happens, anyway the baby can't stay here, it will have to go to its father once it's born. You know that right?"

" yeah I know"


Telling the head officer was the worst thing to do, he's a man, it's embarrasing.

Walking down the hall, everyone looked at, they just stared. Obviously it was because the head officer was taking me to his bosses office to take tests to see if I am pregnant and if I am, if I am then I need to sort out the baby once it comes. Caleb, he hasn't been her in over a week, I need to speak to him now. If he will accept having this baby with me. I want to keep him, her, I love it and I want this baby.

Officer Barry opened the door to his boss, the manager.

" take a seat" he said

So I did

" your pregnant are you?" He kept a straight face through out the conversation

" I..um ...I think so"

" great!" He said sarcastically

" look, this wasn't planned, it wasn't meant to happ..."

He interrupted me "i will set up for a doctor to come her and test you, let hope your not though! I cannott deal with all of your problems one!"

I want this baby, I though to myself.


One week later


The test results come today.

I opened the envelope,




I hope caleb doesn't freak out

Young Prison MotherWhere stories live. Discover now