Day 560 - A Party

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I guess I'm in an adventuring party now.
I was sitting in the Dusty Rake, as I've found myself doing quite a bit recently, when - tell me if you've heard this one before - an old man in a long, grey cloak with a billowing white mane appeared out of nowhere, picked me and three others out of a crowd, and told us we were needed. Some necromancer in a high tower is stirring things up just south of Neverwinter. Fantastic.
As soon as the old man vanished to go twiddle his thumbs now that his part was over, a young bard named Herman von DeFuschel III declared himself our savior while ogling me. I had to restrain myself from smiting him with everything I had.
The next person was far more tolerable. An easy-going air genasi named Glide. His introduction was short and sweet, almost in acknowledgement of my previous efforts.
And, last but certainly greater than DeFuschel, was Adressa, a little artificer girl of some light elven descent. A nice girl of fourteen years of age that nearly went postal on old DeFuschel when he turned his gaze on her. I like her.
She also offered me a bomb. I like her a lot.
So those are the people I'll be traveling with for the next few weeks. It's a good thing fighting necromancers is as simple as "let's throw some half-capable adventurers at it."
This should be interesting.

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