Day 565 - the Problem of Herman von DeFuschel III

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DeFuschel's the worst.
You know how occasionally you'll come across somebody you can't seem to to find any common ground with but eventually they do something that has you rethinking how they've been handling themselves? Herman von DeFuschel III will never be that person.
We've only been on the road for four days and I hate him with everything I've got. I'm very tempted to figure out a way to send him in against the necromancer alone, but his cowardice is proving an insurmountable hurdle.
We've acquisitioned a cart from a band of thieves we slew on our second day of travel. I've been cooking and preparing meals, as well as performing weapon maintenance and preparing various poisons and tools with some help from Adressa. Glide has been taking over more than his fair share of night watches - a point Adressa and I have attempted to argue in length, but he's shrugged off any protest, insisting we get a full night.
"I'll have you repay me, don't worry," he said with a sly smile.
Adressa, on the other hand, has proven a very capable huntress. Last night, she dragged in three hares and two deer. When I asked after how she managed the second deer, she explained that she found two sets of tracks and simply moved fast enough to pursue one after the other. The three hares were the result of three traps she had deviously set around the camp.
DeFuschel offered his first non-sexual praise then, and it pissed me off just as much.
And that's just one of my problems with this pompous, self-obsessed, cruel, lazy, pedophilic piece of pit fiend shit. All he's done so far is sleep in the cart, eat in the cart, sleep in camp and eat in camp - and he didn't offer even initially to take a night shift off of Glide's load. When we were fighting the bandits, all he did was sit on a rock off to the side and shout sexual slurs at me and Adressa. He later claimed to be "inspiring" us, right before Glide had to pull me away as I attempted to skewer him with my blade. I don't know why he bothers. It's not as though he'll be any help against the necromancer.

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