Part 18- leaks and New York City (road trip)

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I have been enjoying my time away from Tommy not having to deal with him being so jealous for absolutely no reason but this soon came to and end when there was a knock on the door to the room. Wilbur went to open it and in came Tommy with Toby trailing behind him looking like he had been forced to join. Of course I still liked Tommy so I was happy to see him its just I was enjoying getting to talk to Alex without having to worry about what Tommy would think.

He came over and sat with me on my bed giving me his phone so I looked at it to see two pictures of us from two days ago, one where we were holding hands and the other of me on his shoulders when we were watching the parade. He looked at me concerned as to what I was going to say and honestly I didn't know what to say. Those pictures were out there now for anyone to see and I have to live with that, not that they were bad its just people are going to start assuming things that aren't true.

"Y/n are you ok?" Tommy asked

"Yeah I'm fine just thinking about what people are going to assume seeing theses pictures" I replied

"It's fine I promise if they try to hate on you I will tell them to stop and plus we can say that there isn't anything going on between us if it will make you feel better" he said

"Thanks Tommy but I think we should just leave if for now it seems like people aren't too fazed right now, if anything they seem to be annoyed that they posted the pics" I said

He didn't say anything else he just hugged me tightly and kissed the top of my head obviously being able to see through the front I was putting up. Toby also came and joined the hug followed by Wilbur and Alex creating a big group hug which was really comforting. Everyone pulled away and Tommy and Toby left but told me to go to their room if I needed anything. After they left Wilbur did too I'm not sure where he went but he was gone.

I thought I was alone because I didn't see Alex and I couldn't hear him in the room so I sat on my bed and let the tears that threaten to spill earlier fall down my cheeks, I don't know why I was so upset about those pictures being posted I guess it just felt like mine and Tommy's thing whatever it is has been exposed and now it isn't just our thing anymore. The thought of all of his fans hating me for taking him away from them was overwhelming to say the least.

I sat and cried with my head rested on my knees which were up to my chest for a good 20 minutes before I felt a hand touch my back and start to rub up and down it in comforting way, I looked up expecting either Wilbur or Tommy to be stood there but no it was Alex. He sat down beside me and continued to gently rub my back while giving me a tissue to wipe the tears off my now very red face. He kept comforting me until I calmed down and stopped crying and that was when he finally said something.

"I'm guessing you're upset about those pictures but y/n I have to tell you that as much as having your private stuff out out on the internet isn't nice it isn't the end of the world. Tommy still likes you just as much as he did before and sure some fans might not approve but now you don't have to hide whatever you have going on" he said

"I guess but honestly Alex even I don't know what we have going on so I don't know what there is to keep hidden anymore" I replied

"Well I know how he feels because he's told me on many occasions so do you get butterflies when he's close to you or do you blush when his hands touch yours?" He asked

'Well yeah I guess I do" I said

"Then you both feel the same and what there is to keep hidden if that is how you want it to be is the amazing relationship you two are starting to build. Trust me y/n he's fallen hard for you and I can tell you feel the exact same about him" he admitted

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