Part 22- special breakfast and universal (road trip)

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I woke up this morning when the sun started shining right into my eyes clearly I forgot to close the curtains last night but I swear I did. I turned away from the direct sunlight so that I could see what time it was and it was just after 8:30, I expected Tommy to be next to me because he was last night but he wasn't there. I got up and walked downstairs to see Tommy, Wilbur and Alex making breakfast.

"Morning guys" I said sleepily

"No you weren't meant to come down yet" Tommy said

He ran towards me and turned me around while putting his hands over my eyes so I couldn't see what he was doing. He walked me to the living room and grabbed a blanket for me and tucking it in around me so that I could watch tv while they finished.

"Sit there until were done ok?" He said

"I will but you know the only reason I'm up is because you left the curtains open and the sun was in my eyes" I told him

"Aw shit I'm sorry" he said

He left me to watch tv and went back to the kitchen where Wilbur started yelling at him for doing something wrong which made me laugh. While I was watching tv the others came downstairs to see what was going on and they were allowed in to help but George came and sat with me because there was way too many people in the kitchen.

It wasn't much longer before Tommy came out of the kitchen with flour all over him but he pulled me up from the sofa and pulled me to the dining room table which was almost full with so many different foods and tons of fruit. Tommy sat me down on one of chairs and sat in the space next to me before everyone else sat down.

"This looks amazing thank you guys" I said

"No need to thank us, it was all Tommy's idea he wanted to do something nice for you" Wilbur said

"Aww thats so sweet thank you Tommy" I said

He didn't say anything he just smiled and blushed a little from Wilbur exposing him. Everyone stopped talking and tucked into all of the delicious food. I probably ate way too much but I didn't care because everything was so good, Tommy was actually not bad at cooking especially with help.

After all the food was gone everyone who wasn't ready yet went to go and shower and change, In the shower I washed my hair because it was gross after being in the pool yesterday. When I was done I put on my outfit for the day which was a pair of ripped denim shorts and a white off the shoulder top which had little buttons on the front. My hair was still wet so I dried it a bit so that it wasn't dripping down my back but I left it damp.

I went downstairs to join the others who were almost ready to leave for wherever we were going today. We drove for about 30 minutes before we arrived at universal studios, another theme park sounded like the one thing I didn't want after Tommy getting so jealous last time. Although I did want to go on all the Harry Potter rides because I'm obsessed with the books and the films.

First we went on the revenge of the mummy ride which I didn't enjoy, after we got off I made the others go to the part with all the Harry Potter stuff where and I got really excited. First we went on the wizarding world of Harry Potter ride which was so much fun, I was geeking out the whole time and kept poking Tommy who was sat beside me which made him laugh.

"You are such a geek sometimes" he laughed

"Oh whatever mr Minecraft youtuber" I retaliated

He crossed his arms and put on a pouty face so that he looked like he was mad but I knew he wasn't and all I had to do was try to hug him and he would stop because mans a simp. When we got off the ride he was still acting mad which confused the others but I jumped on his back and he caught me, he started smiling straight away and carried me to the next ride.

We went on all of the other Harry Potter rides but Tommy wouldn't sit next to me because he didn't want me to bully him anymore so I sat with Alex instead and annoyed him instead although he didn't seem to care, he actually seemed to enjoy all of my facts that I was giving him. We got off the ride laughing at something he said and Tommy came right over and hugged me from behind, I could tell that he was kind of jealous again so I let him keep hold of me.

We went on a few more rides before we went home to go in the pool, I was determined to be the first person in the pool so I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and went straight to the bathroom to put on my bathing suit, I was speed running changing (insert speed running music). When I was changed I ran back down the stairs and jumped in the empty pool only to be stared at by a confused Wilbur who was soon passed by Toby who jumped in too.

The others go in and we swam around of a bit before deciding to play chicken fight, seeing as there was 8 of us we got into pairs. Half of the group were all paired with someone that was tall to make it fair, Alex and Wilbur paired together along with Nick and Toby, George and Clay and then me and Tommy.

First me and Tommy went against Nick and Toby and managed to beat them. Me and Tommy popped off getting to the final and having to face Alex and Wilbur who had a slight height advantage over us because Alex is much taller than me and Wilbur is taller than Tommy. I tried to push Alex off but he didn't even budge, he did the same to me but I was fine because Tommy had a really tight grip on my legs. The fight went on for a while before Wilbur lost his balance so I took that opportunity to push Alex down into the water. The others cheered and Tommy let go of my legs and I also fell into the water.

We messed around for a while longer before heading back inside to change into warmer clothes, I put on an oversized t-shirt and some athletic shorts underneath it, just as I was grabbing my shorts the bathroom door opened and I screamed before the door closed again. Luckily my shirt was long enough that I didn't expose myself but it was still embarrassing. I opened the door when I was fully ready to see Tommy pacing back and forth with a slight blush over his cheeks.

"Sorry y/n I didn't mean to" he said

"It's fine don't worry about it" I replied

I kissed his cheek before sitting on the bed and going on my phone, I was joined a few minutes later my Tommy who put his head on my shoulder and looked at my phone with me. I was just texting my parents but he watched me intently as I tapped at the screen which I thought was funny. When I stopped texting my parents we watched Netflix for a bit before falling asleep.

Authors note- hi everyone it is going to be y/n's birthday soon what do you think will happen?

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