A Bad Mood

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"The fuck!" my endurance was not as strong when it came to keeping emotions in check "Oi I thought you said I was still a child, why did you so get annoyed?" As I stood in between the enormous door something struck me.     "The posters going around, send me a pic of the missing guy"  I entered the room, bending my knee I leaned. Getting just close enough to touch young mans face the picture Leo sent me appeared before my eyes. " I guess today wasn't all for nothing" I let out a small giggle "princess what are you mumbling to yourself?" Leo's tone of voice was different. I knew that tone. It implied the fact that he wasn't happy. Making that cutie mad was out of the question, afteral last time he was in one of his moods. Lets say I suffered unconditionally. "Yo do you know a way to wake someone up when their half dead?"

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