Chapter Two; ♠️Death Escort

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💀 -Life is not appreciated till the brink of death-

December 30; 7:28pm

Keithan stared emotionlessly at the young woman who had just encountered a gruesome car accident. Her blood drenched body had been extracted from the crushed vehicle and carefully positioned out on a stretcher by paramedics as a large crowd formed around the scene.

She was in intense agony, a sorrow   unexplanable. Her entire body was paralysed with pain as her failing bloodshot eyes wandered the large noisey crowd of men, women and even children that had already gathered. Most of which bore terror ridden expressions while few with phones in hand to capture the incident.

This continued until finally her eyes jamed his dead ones, the mysterious figure who managed to stand totally distinct from the crowd though amongst it.

Upon seeing him, her eyelids shot up, terror filling her face. For she already knew his purose for being here and only she could see him, an ability restricted to the dying'

Commotion surrounded them, but admist the noise a deafening silence consumed them both.

A silence which suffocated her.

She could hear nothing else but her dying heart. She wasn't prepared to leave the earth just yet.

Tears mixed with blood gathered in her eyes and gushed down her cheeks in an attempt to persuade the Grim reaper to spare her soul.

But Keithan stood unshaken by her sorrowful plight. He knew her kind, who do not appreciate life till death's
beckoning hour.

Keithan had observed her from a distance two hours before now; a habit attributed to him alone. He'd always keep tabs on his victims hours before their time, to ensure their souls had no chance of escape and to deliver them on time to the eternal gate with no problems.

He always delivered all the souls assigned to his list right on schedule. As a grim-Elder; he was disciplined, punctual and despised incompetence. He devoted himself completely to his punishment. Afterall, this was the only purpose for his existence. He was nothing but a death escourt.

Two hours prior...

Keithan had spotted her at a local bar, a young woman seemingly around her early twenties. She was of average height with brunette hair; which cascaded down to her shoulders unlike the bloody mesh they were now, and light brown contacts.

She had had on a very short black pencil skirt that barely covered anything at all, and a striped croptop which had served more as a bra than a top. High heels to complete the look.
She had firmly placed within her grasps a papper cup filled with alcohol and had been dancing erotically between men.

The entire bar had been filled with youths of her standards. The atmosphere stank of various types of alcohol and
Loud, erotic music blared from large speakers which shook the entire area.
Wasted people staggered from left to right.

A scowl had formed on the grim reapers face, such displays greatly repulsed him. But they were far from unfarmiliar to him when it came to mortals, humans most especially. He concidered their race to be a disgrace

An hour later...

"Lea what the fvck is this!" A young man, just five years older, had dragged her away from a boy she was grinding against. He had similar features as she, so it was safe to conclude that he was her elder brother; Daniel.

Lea was taken aback by her brothers presence, but her shock soon faded into insolence.

The young man though was beyond pissed and disappointed.

He had thought this life was finally behind his little sister.

Daniel scolded his sister but Lea just wouldn't have it. The two siblings argued and shouted at eachother all over the bar for over half an hour. Keithan listened from a distance.

"Lea stop being immature, you're not a teenager anymore." He said as he scurried after her across the bar.

The atmosphere was polluted with noise and normally it would be impossible to listen in on their conversation admist such a ruckus; for a mortal that is, not for him. He had very sensitive hearing and even the slightest of whispers couldn't escape his hearing.

"You're right Daniel i'm not a kid anymore. I can do whatever the fawck I please. I don't need a babysitter!" She stopped at the bar counter, grabbed a shot and attempted to gulp it.

"STOP THIS!" He exclaimed and knocked the glass from her grasps infuriating her. "What happened to you?" He began tears gathered in his eyes and worry laced in his tone as he gripped both her shoulders and looked her in the eye.

"You were doing so well, I thought this life was behind you." She agressively shoved Daniel's hand away and spoke.

"Why don't you go and ask your stupid best friend! He's the one who dumped me, go and pester his life!"
She yelled and in turn received a slap from Daniel.

"He ended things because he couldn't cope with your pathetic lifesyle! Fuck this, we're going home right now."

He grabbed her wrist tightly and attempted to pull her but she forced her hand free and made a run for it towards the direction of her car. Daniel chased after her.

"You can't drive drunk!" He had yelled after, once she reached her car.

"Watch me!" She had said and staggared into her vehicle. And then the driving began..

It hardly could have been called driving though. She had disobeyed every traffic rule, driven beyond speed limit and had still been drinking ontop of it.
It had been more of a race to death.

A truck had come into view, and in an attempt to avoid it she lost control of her wheel. Tires screeched and tension rose. Her vehicle tilted to the left before it did two consecutive rolls and landed on its back crushed, with her crumpled underneath.

Daniel forced his way through the crowd, he had been told by the taxi driver that an accident had occured there and he wanted to confirm his fear. As he reached the forefront of the scene, his skin went pale. There she was, his only sister, half dead, drenched in red.

He fell to his knees.

Upon seeing her brother Lea teared up further, remembering how ungrateful she had been to him. Daniel had loved her more than anything but she never appreciated it, she never appreciated anything. Oh how she wished she could reverse the hands of time or plead with death.

"I'm sorry Danny, I'-m s- so so-rry" Her voice emerged almost breathless. Daniel held his sister tightly, he knew there was no hope for her.

Minutes turned to seconds. Keithan simply observed them, his emotions still at a lack.

"Your time is up."

His words resonated through her body as her head snapped to his direction. Her body convulsed profusely,as she repeatedly apologized to her brother.

"Lea Anderson."

And with that she took her dying breath.


Of The HeavensOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora