Chapter 1: Starting the Raid

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Kaylen, Ferlo and the other gang members have finally reached Area 51. "Come on! Let's break in!" Kaylen said while grabbing their gun from their bag, they were very eager to raid and explore the mysterious air base. "Uh... Are you sure it's okay to do this?...." Eleven replied as he started to feel discomfort and confusion. When Ferlo suddenly disrupted, "Hold on, guys!!" Ferlo shouted. "Did you have to interrupt us?!!" Kaylen shouted.

"I wasn't trying to interrupt!" Ferlo responded, his eyes widened, he started to resort with Kaylen. The younger, furry mouse punching him in the face, and lashing out on him. Eleven freaked out as the two teenage mice got more aggressive the longer the fight went on, only to push them both away from each other. "You two do not need to be fighting! It will only make the situation worse!" Eleven said out of frustration. "Oh for fuck sakes, why the fuck did you make me nearly break my fucking leg you dipshit!!?" Kaylen screamed, their fist clenching, they really wanted to beat Eleven up for what he said, they breathed heavily as they try to fight back that urge to punch their own friend.

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