Watch Where You're Going

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I strutted in through the entrance to Kelvin Grove State College, proud as ever. I was so busy that I didn't notice a figure until I'd nearly ran into it. A... person, who I couldn't tell the gender of, was on the ground at my feet, angrily rubbing their elbows.

"Watch where you're going bingdoodle," they said incredibly rudely, picking themselves up and marching away in the opposite direction, bumping my shoulder as they went past. Probably on purpose, now that I think of it.

Throughout the day, I couldn't stop thinking about the person. I found myself zoning out of classes thinking about them, which was weird. They had seemed feminine, but you could never be sure. Their hair had been long but sharp and ragged, and dyed an ombre of red to blue. Their eyes had been a deep brown, and I had found them quite mesmerising to look into.

A few days later, I was sitting in the year 10 area, eating my sandwich and talking with my friends, when I saw someone leaning against a nearby wall, their eyes closed and headphones on. It took me a second to realise that this was the same person I'd been daydreaming about the past three days, only this time seeming more masculine. Their hair had... somehow shortened? It was underneath a cap and looking like the latest men's hairstyle.

Who in the world was this mysterious person?

I didn't see them again over the next few days, which made me feel rather crestfallen.

Then, that Saturday, I recognised them at Coles, standing in the pasta aisle.

I knew I needed to talk to them, and soon, so I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders, and strolled down the aisle to where the mysterious person was.

To be continued...

Sorry it's so short, but it is the introduction so like not much was gonna happen anyway.

So, what do you guys think so far? Do you like it? I sure do, it's fun to write.

Question of the chapter: What gender do you think the new person is?

Poll of the chapter: Lollies (candy for you Americans and sweets for you English people) or chocolate? Or both or neither?

See ya guys later, and have a gay day!


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