What Movie did you Watch Last Night?

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Believe it or not, I'm actually really enjoying writing this, which means I'm actually gonna update it like... slightly more frequently than most of my books have been (that might change though, I dunno what the future holds, despite being a child of Apollo).

Anywho, I hope you're all enjoying so far! If you have any questions or get confused about anything at any point in time, just comment or DM me! I'll gladly answer all your questions!

Aight time for the chapter now!!


A few weeks later, Zane and I had had a few conversations around school every time we saw each other, but we didn't really talk too much.

Somehow I hadn't realised it the first week I'd noticed Zane, but it turned out we actually had a class together.

(You guys'll never guess the cliche class...)


None of my friends were in my Chemistry class, they preferred biology and geology (*cough*CrabbeandGoyale*cough*), and Zane's group didn't seem to be there either. So, when the teacher announced that we would be doing an experiment in pairs, I scanned the room until I locked eyes with Zane on the other side of the room. We nodded, and, at the teachers instructions, simultaneously stood up and went to get the stuff we needed.

Once we had all the materials, the two of us went to a desk and started setting up.

"Morning dragon-breath." Zane greeted with a newly adopted name for me.

"It's 1pm mate," I replied. "By the way, what are your pronouns today?"

Zane rubbed the back of their neck. "I was wondering... I was wondering if maybe we could think of like a code for that? Since like... I don't really want awkward questions..."

The realisation of these words hit me and I gushed out, "Oh yeah that's fine that's fine, what do you want the code to be?"

"Maybe..." they paused to think for a bit. "Maybe 'What movie did you watch last night?'"

"Alright so what responses should be what?"

"I was thinking (Guys dont blame me for this, I only know Disney movies) Narnia for they/them, Hercules for he/him and Cinderella for she/her? And for a mix like they/him, it'd just be two movies?"

"Yeah sure, I like that. So what movie did you watch last night?"

"Cinderella and Narnia."


And there we set off with the experiment, measuring different liquids and testing what chemicals made what reactions. Eventually the bell rang, and we said our farewells to each other, heading towards our friend groups.

As I sat with my friends, I felt my mind drifting off to Zane and those amazing chocolately brown eyes, and my mind zoned out of the conversation as I drowned in fantasies.

Without realising it, my head had started moving ever so slightly on its own, until, when I regained slightly more consciousness, I realised I was looking right at Zane themself. Then I made another realisation: she wasn't sitting with anyone else. They were just.... standing there, eyes closed, earphones in, one hand in her pocket, the other holding a sandwich she ate, one of her legs propped up against the wall.

Then suddenly, without even thinking about it, I'd grabbed my bag, stood up and made my way over to where she was standing. Once there, I plopped my bag down on the grass, sat on a bench across from the wall Zane was leaning against and grabbed my lunch out of my bag.

I'd already taken a bite or two when Zane opened their eyes, looked down, saw me and had a temporary moment of shock frozen on their face. "Wh- what are you doing here?" She asked tentatively.

"You looked lonely," I shrugged and took another bite of my sandwich.

"I- th-thanks, I guess." They took a few steps over to the bench I was sitting on and joined me.

I sat there, munching my food for a bit, until I felt something needed to be said, and Zane clearly wasn't going to start it.

"Sooo... what kinda sandwich do you have there?"

"Jam and butter. You?"

"Ham, cheese and tomato sauce." I paused for a bit, until I figured I could procrastinate to asking no longer. "Um, where are all your mates?"

Zane's ga(y)ze went from their knees to her shoes. "Idonreallyhabanyfrens." She rushed out.

Confused and not really understanding what they'd said, I asked all the wisely in the middle of a bite of sandwich,


She sighed. "I don't actually..." she started, but seemed to change their mind. "I don't really..." they tried again, but couldn't seem to get it. "I- I don't have friends." She eventually got out, and they hung their head in shame.

Without really knowing what I was doing or why, I stood up and walked in front of gloomy human, and pulled Zane into a hug, wrapping my arms around their torso, the way friends would comfort each other. True friends.

Zane seemed to not know how to react at first, like they'd never been hugged before. Her arms stayed limp at her side, their shoulders stuff. Then she seemed to act upon instinct, and brought their arms around my back, and she laid her head down on my shoulder.

It was a rather nice feeling, standing there in a warm embrace with Zane, like I could ignore the outside world and stay there forever. Her arms felt warm and muscular, like the arms of the sun had brought themselves around me, keeping me away from harm.

After a few moments, I felt something... wet, on my shoulder. I realised with alarm that the something wet was tears, streaming from Zane's eyes. I didn't know what to do other than squeeze them tighter, and try to show her through body language that it was alright, and I would be there for them.

That's it for now folks!

I'm genuinely loving writing this so much. I'm super duper maglooper excited for the next chapter, I have it all planned out and I've started writing it and everything and I can't wait for you guys to read it (it'll hopefully be soon).

Here's the question, fact and poll of the chapter!

QoTC: This one's for you fellow demigods out there (and doesn't have a specific answer), who do you reckon would be Zane's godly parent, if they were a demigod?

FoTC: I actually use a method like the movies one describes in this chapter with my genderfluid friend, but instead its with food. In fact, that's the reason I thought of it for this chapter!

PoTC: Long pants or shorts? Personally, I always wear jeans, and I hate shorts.

Aight, see you guys soon in the next chapter!!

Have a gay day!

Questioning - A Draco Malfoy AUWhere stories live. Discover now