Sleepover & Glow-Ups

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By this time everyone was at the sleepover.

Kenma, Yaku, and Hinata were playing video games, Kuroo and Lev were talking, and Yamamoto and Kai were cooking. Lev walks over to Hinata and the others and asks "So uhm, Hinata, why did you transfer to Nekoma anyways?" Hinata looks over at Lev not wanting to say anything. Hinata took a glance over at Kenma who seemed worried and then whispered in his ear "Kenma do you mind telling them..?". Kenma nodded his head at Hinata and then started talking. "He moved here because Kageyama cheated on him." Kenma said in a quiet voice as he looked at the ground. "Woah he really did that?" Lev said. "That's pretty messed up even for me." Kuroo said shaking his head. "No no it's okay guys! I won't be seeing him that much anymore anyways.!" Hinata said. "Omg Hinata you should have a makeover and show him what he's missing out on! We should dye your hair get piercings and-!" Yaku got cut off by Hinata " WOAH WHAT?! Yaku u can't get piercings what if that effects my volleyball playing?? What if I do a diving recieve and end up face planting and my nose starts bleeding because I have a giant piercing there?!?" Hinata said shaking his head. "Hmmm.. chibi-Chan is right.. Piercings could effect his volleyball playing..But what if we got ear piercings??" Kuroo said. "YES EAR PIERCINGS IT IS!! EVERYONE IN THE CAR HINATA'S HAVING A GLOW UP!!" Yamamoto yelled swinging his car keys.

Everyone loaded into Yamamoto's car. It's was about 8:00 o'clock they were driving to the hair salon to get Hinata's hair dyed black and then they were going to go to the beauty shop to get piercings and contacts.

Hair salon

"Phew we made it just in time it closes at 8:20!" Lev said. The hair dresser turns around to see Yaku, Lev, and Hinata standing at the door. "'s almost closing time and y'all little rascals choose NOW to come?!" The hair dresser said annoyed. "S-Sorry ma'am!but could you please dye my friend's hair black??"Yaku said as he bowed down. "BLAC-?" Hinata was cut off by the hair dresser. "Ugh hurry up tangerine and sit down" the hair dresser said grabbing some hair dye. Hinata was in the middle of getting his hair dyed and Yaku and Lev were waiti for him to be done. "Hey, Yaku, where are the others anyways?" Lev said. "They're making an appointment for Hinata's eye contacts and piercings." Yaku said while scrolling in his phone. "Ahh I see. Oh hey look! Hinata is done with his hair!" Yaku looked up to see Hinata with gorgeous black hair. "Wow! Hinata you look..a-amazing!" Yaku said "Th-Thanks! We should get going to the beauty shop

TIME SKIPP (Hinata got his contacts and piercings and his brows done blah blah)

"Wow..Shoyou you look..r-really good"Kenma said while blushing. "Wow you look so different chibi Chan.." Kuroo said. "WOW HINATA YOUR LIKE- ANOTHER VERSION OF KIYOKO BUT- A BOY!" Yamamoto said touching Hinata's hair

"er- Thanks guys..but do you think it fits me..?" Hinata said while feeling his face.

"Of course it does Shoyou! I-I mean it make you look more mature I guess.." Kenma said as he looked down on the ground.

"Oh Okay then! Let's eat dinner now!" Hinata said as  he ran to the kitchen with his arms up running followed by Inuoka and Lev.

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