Chapter 7 {Thieves}

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We all had to steal 2 cars to get away from him. Unluckily, there was more than just that tall man.


Shalnark and Chrollo were the ones driving. But to be honest, I've never really esteemed Shalnark with driving. "Are you sure you have the hang of this, Shalnark?" I asked him.


"Of course!" "Because last time you crashed the car into the water." I could see Feitan and that girl laughing in the backseat from my mirror. Even Shizuku was laughing at me! "So, what's your name? I'm Shalnark." "Y/N."


"Shalnark, we're being followed," I notify him. "We are? I don't see anyone." Shalnark glanced at his mirror and saw nothing behind us. "That's because it's 26.2 kilometers away. It will look like a dull grayish-blue van." I was so intensive on the van that was pursuing us that I didn't regard that Feitan was about to plummet out of the car. "Feitan! What are you doing?"


"I'm going to fight them. Somebody has to hold them down." "What if you die?" She questions, grasping my hand tightly. "I won't." I grinned and bounced right out of the car.


"Feitan!" Y/N screeched so powerfully that it almost split my eardrum. "Y/N, trust me. He's not going to die. You haven't seen the potential he occupies." She stared at me with tears building up in her eyes.


"I trust you," I replied, and sat back down in the car with my arms crossed. Shalnark plausibly believes I've calmed down, but really I'm sitting here impatiently.


"Y/N! What are you doing?!" She's literally elbowing me out of the driver's seat! After shoving me, she takes the wheel. "Do you even know how to drive?!"


"No, I don't! But someone has to get Feitan back!" I try to conclude the controls and work to turn the contrary way we were going. Shalnark and Shizuku screamed as the car started to tip to the left side, but it didn't flip over.


When I peered into the mirror, Shalnark's vehicle wasn't trailing us anymore. "Oh great, what happened now?" Machi grieved. "I mean the last time Shalnark took a car, he slipped it into the water." Phinks made fun of Shalnark. I sighed and returned to go hunt them off.


"Y/N! If you keep the car at this momentum, we're going to crash into something!" "I'd rather crash into something than lose Feitan!" It was then I realized how much this girl cares about him. She'd rather lose herself than lose Feitan. I was abruptly not frightened of the speed we were running at, and sat down, peering at Y/N. I could tell that Shizuku was considering the same thing.


Damn it! If Chrollo's car is tailing us... That means he's found out that we're up to something. I was too focused on his car that I didn't realize that the man's grayish-blue van was coming right at us! My first answer was to hit the brakes on the car, but I seemed to unexpectedly turn the wheel which made the car flip over.

Rescue (Feitan x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora