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10:53 Same night



Come outside

"The hell"  I got of my bed and looked out my window to see that his car was parked in my driveway.

"I know this boy ain't serious." Putting on my slides and grabbing my phone I headed down the stairs.

"Where you boutta go mymy?" My dad questioned from the kitchen with a piece of chicken hanging out his mouth and a glass of juice in his hand.

"You know you real embarrassing right?"

"I'm aware, now answer my question lil girl"

"Firstly ian no lil girl ima big woman, and outside for a quick minute, I'll be back"

"Ite....talking about you a 'bIg WoMaN' but still living under my roof, and eating all my god damn food, but you big"

He mumbling but I could still hear him talking shit. And I buy my own food I don't eat ALL of his.

Yes I still live with my parents but that's because my dad says I won't have time for him if I move out,  but he always has something to say when I'm home.

I'm nineteen and have my own online clothing store, I don't plan on doing that for the rest of my life although I could, but it was just something I started in high school and it grew and stuck with me so why stop. I plan on going back to school to become an interior designer, but for now I'm jut going with the flow.

"Love you too dad, you know you like that I still live here"

Walking down the porch steps I looked around noticing it was real dark out.

Stopping at the door I wait for him to unlock the door before I get in the car.

"I said call me, not show up in front of my house"

"Well hello to you too"

I reclined the seat and put my foot on the dashboard, opening Instagram on my phone.

"Chill man, you know ian like that shit, get yo ugly ass feet down"

Who this nigga talking to, not I. My feet aint ugly.

"Yall didn't consider what I liked that day"

I mumbled hoping he didn't hear me, but of course he did with those big ass ears he got.

"Look,  I apologized for that over and over that was two months ago get over it yall good now ain't it?" He sighed rubbing his hands down his face.

"I know you apologized and I am over it, just like being petty. But that's not why I texted you"

"Wassup then." He asked while offering the blunt he just lit

"Nah, uhmm I know we haven't spoken alot recently, that my fault,  but did you know he was gonna cancel again"

When I asked the question I could see that he was struggling on how to answer it.

"Damon youn gotta lie just tell me, and judging by your silence I guess that's a yes"

He scratched the back of his neck before answering "shii....yeah I did but look , I wanted to tell you but I ain't wanna break yo lil heart so I kept my mouth shut, plus it wasn't really my place too"

Was he serious right now. "How the hell you ain't want to make me upset but still hid the fact that- you know what forget it"

The car was silent for a while but it wasnt a awkward silence.

"You guys talked?"

"Mhmmm, well he did I hung up on him." I pursed my lips together.

Damon started laughing next to me.  What is wrong with everyone's weed today. "What's so funny?"  I crossed my arms looking at him.

"The both of yall, yall act like two fricking kids and I'm stuck in the middle of it, like make up yall minds already."

Not my fault your brothers an asshole, I thought to myself.

"No it's not, but the both of you grown and knew what yall was getting into when he left. I'm not denying that yall ain't love each other cause I see it, anybody who knows yall together could see it but he ain't got his priorities straight and your aware of his situations but you just wanna be petty, you gotta take into consideration some things are out of his control but best believe he wanted to be here cause everyday that nigga text me or call me talking bout he miss you and how he wanna apologize and wish he was here and all that sap shit.  Just talk to the lil nigga and yall work out whatever yall have to like adults cause this shit ain't it, yeah I miss my bro but I ain't need him contacting me every damn second and plus I miss my smoking buddy, so yall needa sort out yall selves and stop having me in the middle of the drama."

He nudged my shoulder when he said that last part.  I zoned off thinking about what he just said. Was I being too selfish knowing his situation?  I admit I can be petty at times but he ain't have to call me out like that dang.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear", Damon sighed while looking at his ringing phone.

Before I can make it out of the car he pulls me back in and hands me the phone before rolling a next blunt for himself, muttering to himself.

"I needa be high to deal with this shit."

At this point a bitch is shaking cause 1, I hung up on him earlier and he hate that shit, even though I was mad I shouldn't have done it and 2 I feel stupid as hell right now cause I ain't even let him explain why he couldn't make it this time, so I'm in for a earful.

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