Tempest ~ 3

2 0 0

13th May
Night of the party


" I mean the nigga is fine and y'all can't lie, just look at those mother fu- oohhhh, look at this niggas dimples yall."

"Now Bri, you know that man ain't good looking," Gabby frowned up her face at Brianna.

"I'm not gonna hold yall, lil baby is kinda fine" Kimberly shrugged her shoulders as Gabby looked at her with a disgusted face.

They always do this shit, argue about an unimportant topic and when they cant get to an agreement they drag my ass into it as if I care.

"So yall telling me, if yall met lil baby in the streets and he tried to holla at yall, yall gone go for it, mind you he ain't famous" I mean Gabby do got a point there, chuckling to myself I walked into my bathroom to curl my hair.

"AMIYAH" here these mfs go.


"Be honest, lil baby fine?"

"Ian got time for yall and these stupid ass questions, go ask destiny or sum shit"

"But she ain't here " Brianna stated with a frown on her face. "Just answer Miyah, "

I swear sometimes this girl act as though she six years old.

"Yes he is ok, now if yall would like me to go to this party and not get into my bed right now I suggest yall finish getting ready, cause ian plan to stay no longer than two hours."


"This shit jumping"

"Aaron's parties always lit" Kimberly stated,  and she ain't lie, if its one thing this boy know how to do good besides play basketball is how to throw a party.

Gabby turned and looked at us as we squeezed through the people in the living room "let's go to the back yard "

"Yall can go ahead I'm gonna get a drink" they all replied while I made my way to the bar.

I swear to God if another sweaty ass mf bump me again we gone have a problem up in this bitch.

As I reached to the bar I internally rolled my eyes as I saw Crystal leaned against some dude touching his face.

"What can I get for you miss Amiyah"

"Just a shot of vodka, thanks Jacob"

"Here you go maladay"

"Thanks J" I took the shot, smiled at him and walked off heading to the back yard.

Jacob's parents are family friends of ours so we grew up like cousins, cause they were at all our family functions and vice versa. He's a really sweet guy but he's kinda slow. We all got that one slow friend and mines is Jacob.

Stepping into the backyard I saw the girls sitting on lounge chairs with Aaron, a few of his friends and two other girls.  Making my way to the group I saw that the only available seat was between Gabby and Aaron and some how I felt as though this was a set up.

"Wassup Amiyah" Trey called out to me as I took the seat. He was like my older little brother, Tye, Reese and Dylan also acknowledged me as I sat down.

"Miyah this is my girlfriend Angel and her bestfriend Veronica, babe this is my best friend Amiyah" Aaron introduced us, I waved shyly muttering a hi but she just stared at me as if I just killed her dog.

For her name to be Angel she act like the damn devil.

"Mi can we talk please" Aaron whispered in my ear. I thought bout it for a second before agreeing.  He led us upstairs to his bedroom where I took a seat on his chair and he stood by the door with a look on his face that I couldn't quite read.

"Ok so, first of I wanna say I'm really sorry for that shit I pulled I realize now that I made a real stupid mistake and I shouldnt have listened to her an let her get in my head, you were my bestfriend before she became my girl and I shouldnt have cut you off like that"

"Damn right you shouldn't have, twelve years we've been friends and you decide to cut that friendship short because your girl tells you to, a girl who you didnt even know for a whole month, and let's not forget she wasnt even your girlfriend at that point, now you come to your senses and wanna apologize and introduce me to your girlfriend the same one who made you cut me off, I really wanted to pounce on her ass and beat the hell out of her but I didnt, you know why cause I was more mad at you,  you owe me the loyalty not her, but I guess you were so blinded by whatever she was telling you that when she gave you an ultimatum that you just had to let this friendship go to have a 'relationship' with her and I dont even know why she would do that shit cause you always blew me off to go hang with her,  everytime you cancelled on me I said it was ok and I moved on with my day, then all of a sudden its 'we cant be hanging out anymore like how we used to my girl needs me' not even a call but in a fuckin text, fuck you bitch."  Walking out of his room I slammed his door and walked  to the front door as I  pulled out my phone to text Damon.


Can you come get me please

Where u at

You started sharing location with Bro🦍

Aight gimme 10 mins


Simps and Pimps 😩

Yall I'm bout to head home

After texting the group chat with the girls I looked up hearing a car pulling up in front of me, realizing it was Damon I got in the car as he pulled of.

"Thought you said ten minutes"

"I lied, I was right down the street at Dre's" he laughed as if that was the funniest thing. I took the rolled blunt from behind his ear and lit it passing it to him after.



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Stay pretty yall...

~sincerely management

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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