Chapter 2

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It was Saturday Ennoshita was panicking he's been over Tanaka's house all the time but it was typically for a study session. No calm down the whole team will be there. Plus you have hours before you have to leave. Ennoshita keeps repeating this thought in his mind when his phone buzzed. He groaned he pulled an all-nighter studying and hadn't gone to sleep yet.

Karsuno Groupchat


Baldy: Except for Yachi and Kiyoko ofc ♡

Rolling Thunder: Broo ofc I am going

Baldy: I know brooo

Salty Dino: Yeah we know already shut up

Kino doesnt give a shita: 6 pm we know

Yamagucci: Can't wait :)

Tangerine: YEAHH!!!

Milkman: whatever

Suga: Hello Everyone

Tangerine: SUGGA HIIII

Yamagucci: Hey Suga

Villager B: hiya Suga

Suga: Hello my favorite underclassmen ♡♡♡♡

Milkman: (Favoritism)

Salty Dino: (Using parentheses doesn't make your text invisible)

Milkman: Never said it did

Salty Dino: Shut the fuck up king :)

Milkman: DON'T CALL ME THAT !!!!


Suga: Do. Not. Swear.

Forgotten Baldie: Lmao

En NO SHIT a: You guys are blowing up my phone

En NO SHIT a: It's too early

Jesus: It's 3 pm...?

En NO SHIT a: Pulled an all-nighter studying again

Tanaka sighed with concern idiot you got to worry about yourself you'll get sick he thought staring at the phone screen.

Baldy: WHAT? Did you at least take any breaks to eat or nap?

En NO SHIT a: Yeah

Baldy: I don't believe it

En NO SHIT a: I did... sorry you don't believe me?

Salty Dino: Wow you are really concerned about Ennoshita huh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Rolling Thunder: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Baldy: WHAT?! NO!

En NO SHIT a: Chill don't make it weird you two

Ennoshita smiled at the thought that Tanaka being worried about him, but he felt bad for lying in actuality he didn't eat or take naps so he went to the kitchen to get a snack. He looked for his parents but they were probably in their room or out. He grabbed some chips and headed back to his room eating while working on homework.

《Time skip》6:30pm with Ennoshita still

Ennoshita woke up what time is it and when did I sleep? He reached out for his phone on his desk the time read 6:30 pm. 6:30! I'm late! Ennoshita quickly started getting ready he changed into a periwinkle hoodie and jeans with black shoes. He ran downstairs.

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