Chapter 3

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Ennoshita was getting ready to head out when Tanaka spoke.

"Hey, Enno could you actually stay? I need help with an assignment and because you are already here I thought maybe I could steal a bit more of your time." Tanaka added. "If you are too tired and want to go home that's cool I can try to get Kino or Narita to help me," Tanaka added with a grin.

Fuck what do I do can I even be alone with him right now? Ennoshita sighed. "Sure I don't mind not like I had anything else planned today." Curse his idiotic grin.

"HELL YEAH THANKS!" Tanaka quickly hugged Enno causing him to blush slightly. "You are a lifesaver!" He added as he leads him upstairs to his room.

"It's not that big of a deal," Ennoshita said as they entered Tanaka's room.

"Don't devalue yourself, man." Tanaka patted Ennoshita's back.

"It was stating a fact. Oh hey, can I hijack your shower for a bit?" Ennoshita said.

"Yeah second door to the right." He responded

"I know I've been over your house before dork!" Ennoshita yelled back laughing. He got in the shower, after a while.

Tanaka forgot to give Ennoshita something to change in so he looked in his closet and found a white t-shirt and blue-black basketball shorts and underwear he made his way to the bathroom door and heard Ennoshita quietly singing to himself. I didn't know he could sing he thought as he listened wait you're being creepy Ryū he hopped back from the door when he heard the water stop running.

"H-HEY TANAKA D-DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING I CAN BORROW!!" Ennoshita yelled thinking he was still in his room.

Tanaka knocked on the door seeing Ennoshita opened the door his hair messy and still wet and a towel only covering his lower half. He quickly looked away sticking out with the clothes. "H-here!!" He ran back to his room.

Ennoshita came back into the room. "Sorry about that." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"No worries I did ask you to stay over unexpectedly." Tanaka laughed.

"Alright, let's get to work," Ennoshita said. They started studying for an hour but Ennoshita doubted Tanaka was actually paying attention. "Are you listening?"

"Yes sir! Ennoshita sir!" Tanaka joked with a big smile on his face.

Ennoshita rolled his eyes smiling slightly. "Alright then let's take a break."

"REALLY?! LIKE REALLY REALLY!?" Tanaka looked like a kid in a candy shop.

"Why are you so surprised?"

"You never say we can take a break it's normally us asking," Tanaka said getting up then added. "Well, I'm going to take a shower then." Tanaka got his stuff and headed to the shower.

When Tanaka got out of the shower and made his way to his room. "Hey, Enno do you want to finish studying," He asked as he was opening the door but to his surprise, Ennoshita was sleeping at the desk chewing slightly in his sleep. Cute cute cute cute! I should take a picture. Wait no that would be weird. But this might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..... Tanaka continued to bicker with himself until he pulled out his phone and took a picture.

"...Ta....naka…" Ennoshita mumbled in his sleep. Tanaka turned red think Ennoshita had woken up only to realize he was sleep talking. Tanaka carefully picked up Enno and tucked him in on his bed. He decided he would finish the assignment on his own not wanting to wake up Enno he looked like he need the rest.

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