Love & Waves

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Alex and Charlie were that one cute couple you see at the beach. Laughing at each other playing in the waves. I watched. They met the best way you could.

(Alex singing a song about finding the right guy. And then Charlie decided to be up front. Where she looked right at him and stopped singing. She looked right at him and realized Charlie was so adorable.

But she couldn't just stop singing. She told the band to take a 5 while the dj played other music. And Alex followed Charlie. I followed Alex. She finally found him over by the front door. And she went up to him.

"Why you at the door?"

He smiled in the cutest way and said "Well my mom just called and told me to be ready. But I was hoping You'd finish singing before I left. I got perfect timing I guess."

"Yes you do. Well I'm Alex, and you are?"

"Well since you asked I'm Charlie. And there's something wrong with my phone, your number isn't in it."

Alex started blushing and gave Charlie her phone so he could add his number.

*Charlie's mom beeps the horn*

"Well that's my mom. I guess I gotta go. But text me when you get done here. And maybe we can hang out sometime before I leave."

"Yes we definitely should!" as I Butt in.

"Yea haha. Well ill text you tonight."

So they hung out all week until Friday. The day we were going home. The Same day he was leaving. And turns out he lives in Virginia. Just like us. Only 20 mins away. Alex was so happy that her week could still go on Because he still lived near her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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