Chapter 2: Sapnap

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Nick has always been the loudest of the group. Ever since he was a tiny kindergartener, announcing himself as Nick the great on his first day. Clay was the only one who ever seemed able to keep up with him when he sped around the playground. George came later. Around 3rd grade was when the boy with dark brown hair showed up in the middle of class. Nick and Clay had paid no attention to the boy until he spoke. He spoke funny the two of them noticed. Later they would find out he has moved from the UK but at the time they didn't know why he spoke like that. They noticed he spelled things differently too. Nick has been the first person to say something about it.

"Hey why do you talk like that?"

George looked up very confused.

"Talk like what?"

"You talk weird dude" Nick laughed "you also spell things weird" Nick pointed to his paper where you could see color spelled with a u.

"Well we do things differently where I'm from" George muttered

That has been his first interaction with George. A couple months later Darryl got moved to their table. Thus became their group. Nick, Clay, George and Darryl. The 4 would go over to

Clays house and just hang out for hours. Talking about things their teachers did or how weird that one girl in their class was.

Nick sighed, closing his eyes thinking about all the good times the 4 of them had had. They were still close of course, but Darryl has started hanging out with other people and there was a year where none of them were in the same class.

Maybe he would go to the Smp after school. He hadn't been since he had stolen Niki's plush fox. He had gotten into a fight with Tommy about it and it led to what the others called "the pet war". In the end they came to an agreement but not after Tommy told his dad. As much as he loved Mr. Phil and his kids, he wanted to stab all of them after he found out that Phil had told his mom.

His mom did not agree with what Nick called "necessary actions taken for the war" and grounded him for a week. He made sure to shoot a dirty look at Wilbur when he came into school the next day.

*insert good transition here because I have no idea how to do that*

Nick looked over at the boy sitting just a table over. Clay said his name was Carl. He had really fluffy brown hair Nick noticed. Like the kind of hair you just wanna play with.

"Whatcha looking at Sappynappy?" George said.

"Ok 1) it's Sapap and 2) no one"

"Ohhhh it's a person huh?" Clay piped in "oh do tell Samsung Refrigerator"

"Ok it's bad enough you guys call me Sapnap outside of the smp but the nicknames for Sapnap just make it sooo much worse"

Nick didn't remember why he was nicknamed Sapnap. He just was. And there was no changing it.

"Just tell us who you're looking at Nick!" George huffed getting bored of the conversation

"Yeah tell us Nick!" Clay piped in stealing one of George's fries.

"Bitch-" George hit Clay on the arm, almost knocking his tray off the table in the process.

Soon the 3 of them were engaged in a small food fight. They gained the attention of the teachers who were watching over the lunch room and ended up getting detention after school.

"You guys are lucky Mrs. Amina loves me, or else we would have had a full week of detention" Clay said as they walked out of lunch and towards their next class.

"If Mr. Wolfhard was there" George shudders, thinking about their social studies teacher. He always gave the longest detention time even if you were only 3 minutes late to class.

"I have him next class," Nick said, sighing. "I should probably get going then"

Mr.Wolfhards class was also on the other side of the building, which made being on time to his classes really hard considering they only had 4 minutes till the bell rang.

"See you later dude!"

"Bye Nick!"

Nick barely made it on time to class. There was a traffic jam in the hallway because some people just wanted to make everyone else's life harder and stand in the middle of the hallway.

He slid into his seat just as the bell rang. There was some chatter in the back of the room he noticed, more than normal. He stuck his head in his backpack, shuffling around for a pencil. Just to make it look like he wasn't trying to listen in even though that was exactly what he was doing.

"Karl how did you even get away with that!"

Nick turned his head slightly and saw the new kid sitting at the table behind him. He was sitting with a couple girls, one of whom, he noticed was Niki. The rest he didn't really know. Sure he knew they were in his class, but he never really paid attention to anyone else but his table.

"Looking at the new kid huh?" Nick jumped.

"Uh no what are you talking about, i was just looking for a pencil." As to make his point, he lifted up the pencil he had found.

"Mhm sure." His table mate, Alex, shrugged giving Nick the look that says "you like him don't you?"

"Alex i swear-"

"Do not call me Alex dear friend" Nick sighed, Alex was a theater kid and always made things more dramatic than they needed to be. Apparently this included his name.

"Yeah sure whatever duck man"

Alex was about to say something else but luckily for Nick their teacher walked just at that moment.

"Ok class today we're going to be learning about the Great Depression"

There was a snicker from the back of the room.

"Halo? D.J? Is there something you would like to share with the class?" Nick turned to look at the two who had been laughing. Halo and D.J never really said anything in class, unless it was to each other.

"No sir!" The ginger one, Halo, piped up still trying not to laugh. D.J was dying from laughter.

Nick stopped paying attention and turned his attention to his computer. Opening the group chat that he shared with the rest of the group to see over 20 new messages. 

Thanks for reading!! I have an extra part for this chapter but I still need to edit it so its going to be coming out tomorrow! (Along with the messages from the group chat itself, they're quite funny if I do say so myself)  I hope you enjoyed!! :D     -Halo

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