Chapter 3: Sapnap (Part 2)

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Nick shrugged his backpack off his shoulders and heard it drop to the ground behind him as he ran to his room and jumped into bed. His last few classes had been all presentations and Nick almost fell asleep 3 times.

He felt a small buzz in his pocket and pulled out his phone to see a message from Clay.


Hey I'm taking the new kid to the smp if you wanna meet us there

'Oh the new kid. The one with the fluffy hair.'

Nick typed a quick response and rolled out of bed. Grabbing his headband and sweatshirt he headed out the door.

He ran through his background and hopped the fence which led into the creek. Sapnap lived the farthest away from everyone, but lived the closest to the creek. So really there was no harm done.

He walked through the creek hopping from one stone to the other singing a song he had just made up earlier today. From a distance he saw the bright pink castle with a purple pink and blue flag hanging from the front. Eret's castle.

In the middle of the "war for independence" or whatever Wilbur and his brothers wanted to call it Eret had joined L'manburgs side. Eret got bored of the daily routine of mixing potions and wanted to rile up the war again. He told Clay this and Clay, or Dream, gave him an offer. Betray L'manburg and you become the King of the Smp. Eret even got his own castle, though it was just Dream's little sister's old play one they were going to give away. A castle nonetheless. Of course Eret took the deal and betrayed L'manburg. Later at their weekly sleepover Eret told them that his little brother, Toby or Tubbo, had told his mom and he almost got in trouble. Ever since Eret's been neutral in every war.

As Sapnap got closer he could hear a couple voices, some he recognized as Niki and Floris(or Fundy as he was called here) but there was one he didn't notice. He assumed it must be the new kid Dream had brought.

He noticed he was a bit higher than the others. They probably wouldn't notice him unless he jumped down. Sapnap smirked.

Oh I know just what I'm going to do

After making sure he would land on a flat surface and not break his legs, he jumped off the little ledge he was standing on. He landed right next to Dream and Karl.

"WASSUP FUCKERS SAPDADDYS HERE" he yelled before bursting out laughing from the looks on his friends faces. Fundy looked like he was about to murder Sapnap while Niki just looked disappointed. The funniest thing though, was the fact that the new kid had gotten so scared, he had jumped and clung on to Dream who was unphased with everything.

"And this" Dream sighed. "Is Sapnap."

"Sapnap, Karl, Karl, Sapnap" Dream said pointing between the two.

"Sapnap?" The new kid, Karl, asked.

"Yeah Sapnap" Sapnap said, shrugging.

"You're new right?"

"Uh yeah. Honestly I'm a bit confused about just" Karl gestured to the creek. "All this. Clay-"


"Right, Dream." Karl said shoving his hands into his hoodie pocket. "Well he mentioned in the way here that there's some sort of story line going on here?"

"Yeah Dream and Wilbur apparently came up with it during class one day" Sapnap shrugged. "Ever since then we've all added a little to the story I guess, like me and the pet war"

"Pet War?"

"Oh uh me and Tommy, one of Wilburs brothers, kinda got into a fight over a bunch of our stuffed animals and it escalated quickly" he chuckled.

Karl still looked confused but Sapnap didn't want to go into the fact that he had burned Tommy's stuffed animal and that's what started the war so he just showed Karl around and started introducing people to him.

There weren't that many people there due to the fact that it was a Wednesday and most people didn't have time to go to the Smp on the middle of the week. Now on the weekends when no one had school or homework. Now that was the time when the smp flourished.

The day ended with Karl's mother calling him telling him to come home and Dream had already left along with the rest of the small group. The only ones left were Karl and Sapnap.

As Karl was leaving he turned and gave Sapnap a small wave and almost fell down the little hill they have to climb up to get out of the creek. Sapnap waved back laughing.

Yeah. Today had been a good day.

Hey guys!! Sorry this chapter was so short ;-; Next chapter is going to be about Fundy!! :D I already started writing it and im so far really proud of it. Im also going to start posting this on Ao3 soon! I just need to get my account set up (which im excited about) I also wrote a couple one shots if you guys ever want to hear them! Anyway I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!!! - Halo

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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