Chapter 36-Chris: A Funeral

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I open my eyes to a disaster. Anna was faced-down on the concrete. And Tom was bleeding all over lying on a stop sign. It was surprisingly hard to get up. I couldn't see clearly. And my ribs were on fire. I limp over to Anna. Wincing every step of the way. I toss her over to see her face. It wasn't mangled. But her body was. A deep cut had pierced her heart. I bring two of my fingers to her wrist. She wasn't breathing. And had no heartbeat. I manage to walk over to Tom. I try to check his heartbeat. He slaps it away. Which I was relieved he did. "How-how's Anna?" His voice was very hoarse. "What?" He repeats what he says. And my face goes pale. "She's-" Tom's eyes widen. His face had also gone paler than it already was from his loss of blood. He understood. A tear rolls down my cheek. But nothing comes from Tom. Just silence. The shadows block the vision of his eyes. "No." He tries to get up and screams. Blade had broken his kneecap. "Sit down. Let me get help." I limp over to our house. It was right next the chaos. I ring the bell and Mom comes out. "Oh my god! What happened?!" I ask her to come outside. She sees Anna's body and Tom's dying figure. "Blade came. He was more powerful than we thought. But the police should be coming soon." She was confused. "How. I thought he cut off our lines." I cough and say, "We all went to Logan's house and called the police that there were opened manholes everywhere." She didn't seem phased by the other situation. "They said that they would come soon. I don't know why they aren't here yet." Then I knew the answer. Blade. I sigh and walk over to Anna's body. My vision was starting to get better. The bleeding had stopped. Tom was still lying down. But he looks at his blood tinted feather. Already tinted by his grandpa's. And now his. He chants inaudible words and gets up. The healing spell. We had experimented them while on the way back home. That's what we were arguing about. I wished we could do that one more time. Gwen and Carrie come out and see the destruction. Tom walks perfectly fine over to us and heals me. Warmth spreads all over me and I could see better. And the pain in my ribs were gone. He runs over to Anna and tries to say it again. He seemed to be whimpering. "Come on. Work! Get up Anna!" I put my hand on his shoulder and shake my head. "It doesn't work on dead people." Tom finally seemed to give tears. "Now we have two funerals." Tom was right. We had two. 

    We planned to do the funeral sooner. Like the evening. We all didn't have proper dressing. But no one was in the mood to change. I felt sympathy for Tom. I know how it felt. And I know the 5 stages he was going to go through. I remember the funeral-that wasn't for one of our loved ones-me and Tom went to. He didn't feel too sympathetic. But I bet if we were there again, he would sympathize. "We are here today to wish our dead loved ones, a safe journey to the afterlife. And that they will rest, in peace." And close to Anna's case, pieces. "Amen." Mom says soberly. We all repeat her words. We dig their graves and drop them into the ground. And pile the dirt back up again. We had kept dad's rotting body in the shed in our backyard. We never used to anyway. He had flies eating off of him. I look away as Mom and Tom bury Anna and Dad. I look into Anna's cold, dead eyes, and feel Tom's pain. She was a great friend. After she started to be nice to us. Then Tom covers dirt over her face which breaks my concentration over Anna. Tom bites his lower lip. Probably to stop it from quivering. It must have been hard to bury his dead girlfriend. I take the shovel from him and he doesn't resist. He sits down in the foldable chair I was in. It was very hard for me to do it. But it must have been harder for Tom. I look up when Tom gets up from his chair and walks back inside the home. For some reason, no one had come out to look at this.  

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