~☺️Chapter 4☺️~

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Roxanne POV
I felt like a weight had been lifted off of my chest after talking to Draco. And as much I was happy about it, part of me wishes I'd have not given in so easily after how he treated me and my family.
I couldn't stop thinking about him kissing me. I loved him despite everything and I knew it. But it could never happen. He's a Malfoy, I'm a Weasley. He's a Slytherin, I'm a Gryffindor.

I woke with a start as my alarm rang loud. 6:15. I rolled out of bed, actually quite happy to start the day.
I decided to do something different. For once, I applied some makeup. Only light, but it was different to my usual no makeup policy. I also let my hair down. I curled it too, into ringlets that fell by my shoulders.

Satisfied with my appearance, and answering the prayers of my rumbling stomach telling me it was hungry, I went to breakfast. Upon arriving, the boys seemed to notice my change. Ron, Fred and George looked completely baffled, Harry dropped half of his juice down him, and Lee Jordan spat out his food, and then looked down, blushing furiously.
"God Lee, drool much? That's my sister!" George joked, nudging Lee with his elbow. With this startled reaction to my entrance, we caught the attention of the Slytherins. I looked over to see Draco, his jaw practically on the floor and staring at me, his cheeks a bright red colour.
"Close your mouth, Malfoy! Catching flies over my sister are we??" Ron laughed at him, causing him to snap out of the trance he was seemingly in.
"Shut it Weaslebee. You're just annoyed cuz you're sisters actually pretty and- I mean-."
That was it. I looked down, blushing like hell, but my brothers and Harry were howling with laughter at him, and the other Slytherins were looking at him with disgusted expressions. Without hesitation, he got up and bolted out of the Hall.
I scoffed. "You're all arseholes, you know that? Bloody. Arseholes."
"Why are you defending him Rox? He's been a prick to our family for ages now." Fred spoke up.
I shrugged. "Well it actually seemed like he was being nice for once, he payed me a compliment."
With that, I got up and left the hall, looking for him.

Draco POV

Humiliated. Embarrassed. Shameful. How could I have been so stupid?! I called her pretty. In front of her, her brothers, her friends. And all of my friends too! I'm never gonna live this down.
"Draco? Are you alright?"
The sound of her voice made me smile, and calmed me.
"You came after me?! Why?" I asked her. She should hate me. She should think I'm a right weirdo. But apparently she doesn't.
"Because that's what friends do? I don't know I didn't want you to feel... humiliated or whatever. I mean I can go if that's what-"
"No! No! Stay! I, er, I mean. Please stay?"
I'm such an idiot.
She didn't seem to think so though. She joined me on the sofa, and pulled me into her, I wrapped my arms around the girl I was in love with. Then, she did something I never expected.
But that doesn't mean it wasn't welcome.
She kissed my forehead.
I looked up at her, directly into her eyes. Her stunningly beautiful hazel eyes. She stared back.
"You really think I'm pretty?"
She broke the silence, catching me quite off guard.
I smiled. "I think you're gorgeous. Even without that makeup."
She buried her head into me.

When she looked back at me, she was beaming. Without even meaning to, I felt myself leaning in. But the fact I didn't mean to was not important though, because she was reciprocating my movements, and soon enough, my lips touched hers.

Roxanne POV

He had kissed me, and I had kissed him back, for the second time.

After what felt like forever- but in reality was only about 30 seconds- we pulled away for some much needed air.
"Roxie I- um. I'm sorry."
I looked at him. He had shrunk down now, and he looked ashamed. "What for?"
"Being an arse, ignoring you, insulting you, and then kissing you. I really like you Rox.." He said shyly.

I chuckled. "It's okay Draco. And I like you too. A lot. But due to our families, I think it's better we just stay friends for now. You would get into a lot of trouble, my family are blood traitors. And honestly I'd get into trouble too. But we will talk about it again soon okay?"
He then rose back up, not so shy anymore, and pulled me into him. I nestled into his chest and he wrapped his arms fully around me and kissed me on the forehead, just like I had him.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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