UPL -#4

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Hi kitties


My classes were finished early. I sat inside my car and drove to my home. After our anniversary, I notice that Chance is behaving different. He is not that Chance whom I knew. He is a completely different person and this is somewhere worrying me. Suddenly my car stopped abruptly and I come out to check but everything was good. I think something is problem with engine but as I am not a mechanic. I have to call one. I took out my phone but it was dead. How come it is dead? Now what should I do?

I looked around but found no one. I don't know how to get back there and I couldn't even contact Chance so that he could pick me up from here. Suddenly I saw the car and signed for the lift and he stopped the car in front of me. The person inside slide down the window and we came face to face.

For few seconds when I looked at him as he was giving me some unusual vibe.

"Looks like you car has shut down?" I come out from thought.

"huh?" He looked at front while chuckling and then again looked at me.

"Don't worry beauty. I am not a bad person." I don't feel like you are. "Is your car not working?"


"Let me see." I nodded and he come out from his car. He went towards my car and started to check the engine. After a while he came towards me.

"I am unable to understand. You can call the mechanic."

"My phone is dead."

"All right than I would call for him." He went away again and then he called someone. After talking about 2 minutes he returned back to me.

"Let me drop you off." I gave him a nervous smile. I don't want to be with him in the same car.

"No, no it is okay. Just let me make a call from your phone and my husband would come and would pick me up.

"Husband?" I showed him my wedding ring.

"Just let me borrow your phone for few minutes."

"Well...I would give you when you would agree to take a ride with me to your home." I shook my head.

"It would bring your trouble and maybe  you should leave for your work. Don't worry about me." I tried to convince him but he didn't agreed with me. Why does he has to be so much stubborn? I don't really want to travel in the same car with him.

"Hey Jackie." I heard the familiar voice and looked around and found Harper. I took a sigh of relief. "What is wrong?"

"My car has broke down."

"Didn't you called a mechanic?"

"He had called one for me." He nodded.

"Why don't you come with me?"

"Alright." I chirped. I looked at that man who was glaring at Harper. "Thank you for offering me ride but mu friend has already came. Maybe will see you in the future." I started to walk away when he called out for me.

"By the way what is your name?" I turned around and looked at him

"My name is Jacqueline Rodriguez." I sat inside his car and he drove away?

"Who was he?"

"I don't know but he had helped me."

"Does Chance know this?" I shook my head and showed him my dead phone.

"I don't know how it died." He handed me his phone and I called Chance. He didn't picked up the phone. I again dialed but he again didn't picked the phone. "He isn't picking up the phone."

"Do you want to drop by his company?" I leaned back to the seat and thought for a while before I shook my head.

"I might worry him."

"What are you saying? He would be furious when he would know that you didn't call for him."

"I know but....."

"For him you come first."

"But I don't think that I am his first priority right now."

"What does that mean?'

"After we celebrated our anniversary, he has been behaving different. I think that he is in some trouble but doesn't want to tell me as it might worry me.  I want to help him but how I doesn't know." I looked down.

"Don't worry he will open up soon."

"I know that but without him telling me, it is worrying me to death. I know that he doesn't want to worry me as my exams are coming up but this is not done. I want to be with him in every happiness and sorrow but he is not ready to share anything with me." I was trying hard to control over my tears because it wasn't good enough for me to shed tears. I felt the hand on my shoulder.

"I just wait for him for some time. Maybe he yet not ready to tell you. Try to be with him without stating that." I nodded. He left me to home and I went straight to my room. I did my work like always and made special food. I guess I will go with Harper's advice. I shouldn't ask him just now maybe he would open up soon.

It was already time for him to come back home. I heard the bell being rang. I went to open it with a wide smile and found him but next moment he hugged me which took me by surprise.

"I am sorry." I couldn't understand what was going on but he wasn't letting me go.

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