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~a week later~

The entire family was up and about, for wedding preparations. It is no secret to the media, and everyone seems to be just fine but not Jaxon, he was still indignant. He stayed isolated in his room for the entire time. He didn't have the guts to look at his mom nor Adley. He was beyond pissed and annoyed that he would be pretending to love someone for the rest of his life. He was unsure how he would react to her on the wedding day. He was unprepared for this, and he felt as if he doesn't have a mind of his own. As if he couldn't make his own decisions. He wondered how people would react if he walks away on that day or comes clean tell the whole world that it's an arranged marriage.

Even though he stayed in his room, he tries to go outside once every day, at least to get some fresh air from that harshly unpleasant place. Yes, of course, he would visit his old friend Quinn, and he would have a good time just talking to her. He couldn't hide the fact that he was about to get married, and for some reason, Jaxon felt if he tells her she'd shatter into pieces. He liked her, he does, but the world won't allow him to make his decision on who he wants. If he could, for sure slowly but surely Quinn would be the one. Each time he heads or near the house, his mind and body were, just not accepting the environment anymore. He wished his family was more open-minded and thought about things differently.

~1 month later~

A day left before the wedding, agitated and indignant, he was. For the first time in a long time, he cried, silently, as the sky began to turn grey. He would turn down meals as his stomach couldn't stand the feelings that were roaming inside. Ever so often, his mom would try and talk to him, which he finds very unnecessary. She was behaving like everything is okay, but best believe he wanted to tell her so many things that were on his mind since he came, but he had respect for her and, decides to, hold it in.

"Jaxon please to come downstairs. You've been in here all week," Ella said. She opened the door a bit wider as she made an entrance. She made her way over to his bed. "I know you're sad about the whole wedding but cheer up it will be over with." He turns his head to face her, "It is not fear, I didn't agree to this." "I know, you must be hungry," she said, handing him a bag of Doritos. He gladly accepts it. They continued to talk until it was time for her to get to bed. The rest of the night he stayed awoke as time was going by slow which, he didn't mind.

Guys please  to help me bring this to 1k💃 so you have to share it👌🏾 you can leave  positive  comments and one of the most important  thing is to vote🥺🥺🥺 vote vote vote and read the chapters as you move along please. Yall  are reading and forgetting  to leave a like. Anywho🤪 thats it from me.

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