Chapter Two

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Jane and Mr. Wells walked briskly home, the cool spring air blowing up into their faces as they walked down the narrow streets. Despite the chill, Jane's face still had a flushed complexion from her interaction with Lady Felicia's new (in her opinion) most annoying driver. She barely had time to think about him, and bring him to justice in her imagination, before they had arrived home; where she was surprised to find a Police Officer standing outside, waiting. Jane looked at her father, confused, and noticed he had gone pale in the face. She turned back to the Officer, running up to the front gate. 

"Hello Sir!" she greeted, waving. Jane lowered her hand as soon as she saw the Officer's grave face. 

"Ma'am, Sir, are you the Wells Family?" he asked. When her father kept silent, Jane was obliged to answer. 

"Why yes of course we are... whatever is the matter?" she questioned, frowning. 

"Ma'am... a terrible thing has happened at the train station. It seems as though- Mrs. Wells has been murdered." the Officer informed, looking down at his feet. 

"Wh-what?! No! This is a bloody cruel joke, Sir!" Jane stuttered, eyes wide. The Officer only shook his head. Jane choked back tears, covering her quivering mouth with her hand. She ran into the house, and burst into tears, throwing herself onto her bed. As she silently cried, she could hear two sets of footsteps entering the house. 

"H-How could this be? Do you have any leads on who it might be?" she heard her Father's distressed voice.  

"No idea, Sir. Though you can trust Inspector Valentin is working most diligently on this case. " The Officer's muffled voice assured Mr. Wells. Jane could hear the door shut, and someone collapse into a chair. Jane's throat caught up once more and she fell into another fit of sobs. 

Jane awoke the next morning, still in her rumpled church dress. She rose from her bed, blinking into the mirror, eyes smudged with makeup. Sniffling softly so as not to wake her Father, she quietly wiped it off,  pulling her hair into a low ponytail. She didn't have much time to make herself look nice, she was going down to the police station as soon as possible. Jane wanted her mother brought to justice, and she needed to see if they were getting anywhere with the case. She pulled on a white button up shirt and some red high-waisted trousers, grabbing her purse hanging on her bedpost. Jane quietly creaked the door open, looking down the hallways and seeing her Father's bedroom door shut, meaning he was still fast asleep. Jane took a deep breath, treading carefully over the wood floor to make sure her flats made no noise over the oak planks. 

Jane walked up the cold street, goosebumps bristling on her bare arms. She wished she had brought a sweater, but she was very bad at telling whether it would be cold or refreshing out, (there really was a fine line). When Jane saw the Police Station come into sight, she increased her pace, determination to find answers and get out of the cold driving her on. She burst through the door, not taking any time to survey her surroundings before going straight to the desk where an Officer was writing notes. 

"Hello, can I help you?" He asked, looking up from his work. 

"Yes, I'd like the know how the Wells case is going." she said promptly, nodding curtly to him. 

"Ah, I'll get the Inspector for you. Would you take a seat while you wait?" the Officer said politely. 

"I will, thank you." Jane nodded, sitting down next to a man in the lobby. 

"I'm so sorry to hear of your poor mother." Said a friendly voice. Jane looked over, and was surprised to see none other than Father Brown sitting next to her, both hands placed placidly on his tattered black umbrella. 

"Oh! Father! I didn't see you there!" Jane exclaimed, adjusting her purse. She looked over a saw Sid sitting next to him, looking up at the ceiling with a stupid grin on his face. 

"Are you turning in Mr. Carter for petty theft?" She blurted before she could stop herself, Sid violently choking behind Father Brown. 

"Oh dear me, no. Not this time." Father Brown chuckled. "We're actually here, because, well, I'd like to help you on this case." he nodded. 

"My Mother's murder? You mean to-?" Jane asked, confused. 

"-To solve it," Father Brown nodded.  

"Y'see, Father's a bit of a sleuth himself," Sid  nodded, leaning forward, feeling as if this was his cue. 

"Well, I've heard you've solved a considerable amount of nasty stuff in this town, so I'd be happy to let you," Jane nodded, ignoring Sid. 

"Of course." Father Brown nodded. Sid excused himself to smoke outside, Father Brown and Jane resuming waiting. Jane tried to see what was going on, cocking her head up trying to get a peek in the back, perking her ears up for any conversations that might alert her Valentin was coming. 

"I'm sorry to say, but, I fear it will be awhile before Valentin will come." Father Brown commented, seeing her antsy mood. 

"Oh?" Jane asked, wondering how he would know this. 

"You see, I asked to see him first, and he's debating whether or not he should come deal with me." Father Brown described patiently, "But don't worry, he always comes in the end." 

Just then, Sid reentered the Station, throwing a cigarette butt in a tray. He coughed, loudly, one hand over his mouth, the other on his hip, before, without even a second thought, repositioning himself in the seat next to Jane.  She looked over at him crossly, as he folding his hands behind his head, crossing his legs with a smug expression. 

"Could you not?" Jane addressed, leaning away so his elbow wouldn't poke her head.  

"Hm?" he grunted, cocking his head, sliding his tongue over his teeth casually. 

"Oh, nevermind..." Jane grumbled,  chewing at her lip. 

"What?" he asked, smiling knowingly. 

"Do you have to be so annoying?!" Jane exclaimed, face flushing violently. She stood up, crossing her arms indignantly. 

"I thought you liked annoying," Sid shrugged, standing up and leaning forward to look her in the face. 

"Obviously not." Jane scoffed, a smirk twitching on her lip. "you don't have to be such a flirt y'know." she chided. 

"Because...?" Sid asked, leaning closer. 

"Well-!" Jane began, stepping back. The door of the office opened abruptly, Jane jumping away from Sid. Inspector Valentin entered the room,  a pained look on his face when he saw Father Brown waiting patiently. 

"I didn't know you meddled this early in the morning." He sighed, motioning for Father Brown to follow him. 

"Whenever my flock needs me, I will help." Father Brown quipped, standing up and walking towards him. 


Jane felt someone grab her hand and pull her to the floor as gunshots rang in the air. She screamed as shattered glass fell from the windows and onto the floor, Inspector Valentine screaming for people to duck down. The shooting subsided almost as quickly as it started, the quiet somehow seeming more ominous than the noise. Jane looked up, breathing heavily, feeling something trickle onto her hand. She raised her palm to her face, and saw blood was on her fingertips. Jane raised her head, Father Brown had been shot. 

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