Chapter One

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Jane Wells stared up at the vaulting ceiling above her, the early morning light shining in through the wide windows of St. Mary's, where mass was crawling slowly along. The Priest of that church, Father Brown, seemed very occupied with his sermon that day, and Jane couldn't help but zone out as the rather simple pastor drawled on and on about a subject she had quite forgot. She began to stare rather awkwardly at other parishioners, going from a elderly woman drifting off, to a rather pinched, stiff young man, and unfortunately to a man sitting in the back, who was picking at his nose. 

He had a rather dull look upon his face, his eyelids sagging down stupidly. His other hand that was not, er,  doing some business, was itching his brown hair which rose high on his forehead. His hair began fluff up in the most ludicrous manner, and she could barely hold back from laughing, letting a moronic grin leak. Before she could shift her gaze, he caught sight of her staring, him quickly removed his prodding finger from his nose, eyes widening. She quickly looked away, embarrassed but still keeping her laugh back, uttering a few choked snorts. She quickly glanced back at him to see if he had resumed picking his nose, but locked eyes with him as soon as she turned her head. To her horror, he was not just looking back, but an idiotic smirk was plastered on the imbecile's face! She rolled her eyes at him, facing forward, her face reddening. 

After church, Jane excited the old stone church, the spring light of the late morning shining down on her face. Her Father had exited before her, and was talking to his usual group of friends, talking with them like any Sunday. Unfortunately for Jane, her friend Annabelle was not there, which pained Jane a bit, since she had a good bit of gossip to discuss with her.  

"Jane! How are you?!" came a good-natured voice behind her. Jane turned around to see Lady Felicia approaching her, rather awkwardly going over the lawn in her tall heels. Jane ran over to save her some trouble, giving her a smile. 

"I'm doing well! How's- um, everything?" she said awkwardly, desperately trying to make small talk. 

"Everything is going wonderfully! We really should talk more, I quite enjoy your company, Jane dear!" Lady Felicia smiled broadly. 

"Oh, but of course!" Jane nodded, fidgeting with her purse. 

"Well, I should be off, I want to catch up with Ms. McCarthy. Where are you headed?" she asked warmly. 

"oh, I'm just gonna' stand under that tree." Jane shrugged, pointing to a chestnut tree not far off.  

"I say, would you like to come a chat with us?" Lady Felicia offered. 

"I'd rather not, thanks for the offer though," Jane shrugged, not in the mood to stomach a visit with the boisterous Ms. McCarthy. 

"whatever you say, dear! Enjoy the- erm -tree!" Lady Felicia said with a wave, hobbling back over the grass. Jane smirked, ducking under the tree's shady leaves, leaning against the trunk. She looked up into the crown on the tree, the branches swaying softly above her. she breathed in deeply, and closed her eyes in order to fully enjoy the pleasant spring air. She didn't take into account the sound footsteps approaching her, fancying them as passing parishioner until she heard them treading noisily across the lawn coming in her direction. She opened her eyes, raising her head from the trunk of the tree to see who it was. To her shock, it was the same man with whom she had shared the awkward interaction with during mass. Jane watched him come up towards her, now observing his great stature, though it barely lent to the appearance of making him any more handsome,  because of his gangly limbs.  

"Hey," He said casually, standing next to her under the tree. 

"Might I ask what can I do for you?" Jane asked, her voice cold. 

"No need for that, Missy. I just popped over to introduce myself." he shrugged, leaning his shoulder against the tree trunk next to her. 

"hm. Where did you come from exactly? I've never seen you at St. Mary's." Jane quipped, raising her eyebrows. 

"Sid Carter, at your service. I'm Lady Felicia's new driver." he introduced, giving her a smug smile, extending his hand. 

"the name's Jane Wells," she replied, shaking his hand with a curt nod. He didn't let go of her hand, so she took it away with a little grunt. 

"Would you leave me alone? I don't need bother with a flirt like you." she said, blushing a bit. 

"Your hand is soft," he said wistfully, flippantly ignoring her request. 

"Thank you, but I'd really like to be alone right now." Jane said, looking down at her own hand. 

"Oh, okay. I just thought you fancied me. You were looking at me during mass." Sid shrugged, taking off his green cap to run his fingers through his hair. 

"I was watching you pick your nose." Jane informed dryly. 

"...Oh." Sid muttered, his face pinkening. 

Jane smirked, letting out a soft snicker, leaning against the trunk, her face feeling warm. Sid popped the cap back over his head, pulling the brim down low, glancing over at Jane sheepishly.  Jane looked back at him, wrinkling her nose. 

"What are you waiting around for? Go and hide behind Lady Felicia's skirts or something." She teased. 

"What a nice young lady," Sid muttered sarcastically, playing with the brass buttons of his green uniform. Jane grinned wider, amused with teasing him.

"JANE!" came a voice. Mr. Wells crossed over the lawn, waving Jane over. 

"well, good-bye Mr. Carter," Jane announced, pushing away from the trunk, giving him a quick bow. 

"Bye, Miss Wells." Sid said, trying to feign dismissiveness, thrusting his hands into his pockets. 

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