Chapter Three

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"Father Brown!!" Jane yelled, crawling over to the priest. 

"what's the bloody matter?!" Valentin asked shrilly. 

"Father's been shot!" Jane exclaimed. Valentin jumped to his feet, running to the phone and dialing quickly. 

"Oi!" Sid shouted, scrambling up, and barging through the door into the street. Jane leaned over Father Brown. 

"Father are you alright?" she asked worriedly. Father Brown's eyes opened slowly. 

"Nothing to fret about, it's only a leg wound." He told her, clasping his hand tightly over his calf. 

"The paramedics are on their way, Brown, don't worry." Valentin nodded, kneeling next to him as well. 

"I'm not scared of death." Father Brown said calmly. 

"Yeah sure, okay." Valentin muttered, taking off his tie and wrapping it around Brown's leg. Jane got up, ambulance sirens yowling in the distance as Sid reentered the station, the door slamming behind him. 

"where were you?" Jane asked, walking over to him. 

"I w-was checking t-to see if I could see anyone running away." Sid panted, out of breath. 

"I'm guessing you didn't?" Jane sighed. 

"No. The street was empty." Sid told her, biting his lip irritably. The door burst open, paramedics running in, Sid and Jane stepping quickly out their path. 

"meet me at the Hospital!" Father Brown exclaimed as he was carried out the door on the stretcher. 

The Paramedics exited the room, Valentin, Jane, and Sid left in the room alone. 

Valentin squatted down, picking up a bullet shell with a hankie from his pocket. 

"Hm. This came from a pistol. " he said, squinting at the crumpled piece of metal. He looked up at Sid and Jane, who were watching him with rather stupid looks on their faces. 

"what are you two staring at? I won't have you meddling on this crime scene. Go to Brown, he seemed pretty adamant on you paying him a visit." He growled, shooing them out of the police station. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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