Chapter 3

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Clara looked around the room and sighed. The T.A.R.D.I.S could be really annoying. The kitchen was decorated in draping curtains and confetti kept falling. And to top it all there seemed to have been a power cut. Clara set about taking down all the drapes and stopping the confetti flow. All this she did well but still couldn't make the power work, Clara had tried everything but in the end she had to bring out the electric lamps and hang them everywhere. She did admit to herself that it looked rather cosy in there. With all the drapes and confetti out of the way, minus the lanterns, the kitchen looked back to it's normal self. Grey worktops with Gallifreyan on the edges lined one wall with a sink, pots and pans hanging neatly from the wall and a state of the art electric stove, which, thankfully had a gas backup option so Clara used that for making the food. Clara was very pleased with the kitchen. She had helped The Doctor design it, the black panelling and cosy table and chairs had all been her idea, the Gallifreyan had been The Doctor's choice... Gallifreyan... Clara remembered the door, maybe she could ask The Doctor after he sat down and ate. No. Clara would let him bring it up himself, if he wanted to at all. She wasn't going to be responsible for hurting their relationship any more than she felt she had already. Clearing her mind of negative thoughts, Clara set about making her chile con carne and the souffle.

The Doctor entered the vast space that he called a wardrobe. He hadn't been in there since regeneration, since everything had changed for him, for Clara. He sighed. Clara could never love him now that he looked old, it was a big mistake letting a bit of his age (and it was only a fraction of it) show through, she liked him because he looked her age, hot probably. It was probably for the best, he wouldn't have known how to deal with a relationship anyway. The Doctor walked towards a rack of clothing that had a long black coat on it, with a flash of red on the inside. He had a few grease stains on his coat so he reluctantly took it off and put it on the rack ready to exchange it for the other one. But as he put his coat on the rack, no sooner was he reaching for the other, when the entire rack disappeared to be replaced buy one dinner jacket and... to his horror. A formal tie. exasperated, The Doctor tried to get his coat back. He placed his hand on a wall and spoke soothingly

'Come on now, sexy.' He tried, 'Just give me my coat back,' The jacket rattled on the rail. 'My proper coat, girl.' Since bargaining wasn't working, he decided to walk around the floors, trying to find something nicer and more comfortable to wear. The Doctor found his coat but as he reached for it the second time, up popped the dinner jacket again. It was no use. He put the jacket on and looked at the tie.

'Alright sexy, you win. But I'm not putting on the tie.' The T.A.R.D.I.S made some awful whirring noises and rattled the rail where the tie hung. 'Nope.' Repeated The Doctor, 'Not happening.' He started striding triumphantly towards the exit, which promptly disappeared and The Doctor found himself with a face full of wall. He muttered under his breath, spun on his heel, walked over to the rail, grabbed the tie and pulled it on aggressively. 'Happy now?!' The Doctor asked loudly. There were a few whirring noises from the T.A.R.D.I.S and The Doctor knew she was mocking him. The door reappeared and he left reluctantly, feeling stupid in his new attire.


First authors note! Woop. Thanks for reading and I hope you are enjoying this so far :) I know it's moving quite slowly but I am enjoying writing it. Don't forget to vote for it if you enjoyed it, comment what you thought (Also if there are any typos or grammar errors I need to put right) and add to your library if you think it's worthy ^.^

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