2. A Minute In Hell

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"See? This is why he left you."

The shadow sighed and sat down on the back of the couch. Its impact made the springs squeak in protest. Jamie dropped to the floor.

It smelled bad. It smelled like sulfur and blood and the ugly offensiveness of smoke. Her nose wrinkled.

"Not to say that you're not pretty."

"Uh-huh." Jamie mumbled, plunging her hand deep into her pocket.

"Your hair smells like strawberries. I always smell it when you're asleep. And your thighs are so soft that I just got to lick them. I want to see how they taste."

"Ok," Jamie murmured. She wasn't even listening.

The shadow leaned over, and it slid a crooked finger under her blouse. It lifted the fabric off her shoulder.

It started to pull her bra strap.

"Of course..."

Finding purchase, Jamie pulled out the holy bullet. It felt nice and heavy in her palm. And warm. Warmer than the shadow's cold breath.

The shadow was panting now. No doubt thinking about how warm her own flesh would feel.

Jamie reloaded the Winchester pump-action shotgun.

"... your sister is nicer. And sexier. And she has a bigger butt and bigger boobs and her hips are so wide. They're probably in bed right now, screw-in' like rabbits and Catholics, and—"

Then, she turned towards the shadow and pulled the trigger.

Weirder Things 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora