5. Jealous, But Mostly Just Angry

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"Are there... Are there only females?"

James took another photograph, focusing the camera on the woman's face. It was easy. She practically glowed in the moonlight.

His flashlight illuminated something both beautiful and alien. Skin as smooth as a dolphin's. Seaweed green hair that spilled over her chest, modestly covering it.

She stared back at him, pearl-eyes wide and glistening. She was interested in him.

He couldn't stop himself. He took another photograph.

"Hm? Oh. No. But the men are pretty ugly. And not as... playful."

"What do—"

Something hit the boat. Something big. Something angry. Something that hated humanity and all of its ships and fishing nets and lights.

The mermaid gasped. Her head dipped below the surface. She swam away, quickly and silently.

James barely had enough time to catch the afterimage of her tail as it slipped back into the darkness. He cussed.

Then, he saw them.

The claws. Digging into the underside of the boat, each nail an inch longer than the other. They were curling around the rim.



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