S3 Ep 3: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard

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(Y/n)'s pov:

*Ding, ding, ding*

"Excuse me." I faintly hear from the register.

"Ahoy!" Erica Sinclair said.

I let out a sigh before taking off my headphones and turning to face the young girl.

She rings the bell slowly a few for times before putting on a fake smile.

"I'd like to try the peanut butter chocolate swirl, please."

I let out a laugh and shook my head. "No. No more samples today. If you want ice cream, kid bring some money and buy it yourself."

"Why not." She said, irritated.

"Because your abusing our company policy."

She looked around the shop. "Where's the sailor man?"

"Sorry kid, he can't help you." I say while turning back to continue translating. "He's busy."

"Busy with what?"

I turn to face the girl with a smirk on my face.



Steve's pov:

Dustin and I were squatted behind two potter plants, I was looking around the mall for any sign of an evil Russian.

"You see anything?"

"Uh, I guess I don't totally know what i'm looking for."

"Evil Russians." Dustin says.

"Yeah exactly. I don't know what an evil Russian looks like." I retort.

"Tall, blonde, not smiling."


"Also, look for earpieces, camo, duffle bags, that sort of thing."

"Right, okay, duffel bags."

I search around the mall some more until something catches my eye.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me."

"What?" Dustin asks thinking I found a Russian.

"Anna Jacobi's talking with that meathead Mark Lewinsky."

"Dude," Dustin says "If your not gonna focus, just gimmie the binoculars."

"Aw, jeez, whatever happened to standards?"

"Dude, you are the worst spy in history, you know that."

Dustin snatched the binoculars off my neck and looks for the Russian himself.

"Besides, I don't even get why your looking at girls." He starts. "You have the perfecting right in front of you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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