Boots POV

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I don't think he's in the mood to talk with me. Too bad I couldn't be with Dora, it would have been so much easier, but this is just awkward. I feel like someone is staring at me. I look around and see the Swiper is just looking at me.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking why are you looking at me?" I ask Swiper.

"Well we're supposed to be talking right?"

"Oh right!" I say nervously. I can't tell what he's thinking, but I know its not good.

"So you're like friends with Dora, right?" Swiper asks. Wait, is he actually trying to talk to me?

"Uh, yes. We've been friends for a long time!" I say with a smile!

"So do you like her or something?"

"Oh, no, she's my dearest friend, but nothing more than that! Is there someone you like?" Oh no! I probably shouldn't have asked him that. I regret asking that question, he probably doesn't want to answer!!

"I don't know." Swiper said, looking down as he brought his feet to the ground. I look down and then back up and suddenly me and Swiper's eyes meet. I can't seem to look away. I feel my cheeks getting hot and then I quickly turn away. I could hear Swiper clear his throat.

" do you like to do for fun?" I really need to change the topic.

"Nothing much really. What about you?" He asks as he strokes his hand and throws his orange hair. I never noticed how nice it was. Why can't I shake off the feeling from before? Come to think of it, Swiper is not that bad looking. He is kind of a catch, if only he didn't swipe things from people I might actually want to hang with him.

"Are you gonna answer the question or are you just gonna look at me?" Swiper says bring me back to reality. I didn't realize that I was staring at him.

" I like exploring new places with my friends!" I say answering his question.

"Ok students I hope you all had good chats, now its time to work!" Most of the kids sigh and the teacher starts to show us the lesson. Lunch rolls around and I meet up with Dora!

"Hey Dora where do you want to sit?" I ask.

"Why not there!" Dora says pointing at an open table. We walk over and sit down.

"So how was your conversation with Swiper?" She questions intrigued on how it went.

"Pretty good actually! He might be an ok guy. He talked nice to me." Suddenly my attention is drawn to something going on the other side of the cafeteria. Swiper was trying to take someone lunch again. "Never mind, I take back everything I said." Dora chuckles a bit.

"Maybe he just needs a friend?!" Dora suggested.

"He probably would only boss around his friend if he had one." I say looking at him walking out of the lunch room.

"That probably is true, but you never know until someone tries." Dora said as she took a bite of the sandwich. I wonder if he would be different if he had a friend, not like I would be the first one to try though. The rest of the day goes on and I kept on thinking about what me and Dora talked about at lunch. 

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