A misunderstanding

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-y/n POV-

I was happy. Life was good. I had had a magical evening with the most enchanting man. And also, my dear brother was visiting me in Duloc! He is also an outcast altough he loves our home, I'm sure he wants something different. 

"My dear y/n!" My brother greeted me with a suffocating hug. We sat down at the cafe we had arranged to meet at. "So, my dear (sibling), what have you been up to in your time in Duloc?" I smiled broadly when he asked. So much had happened. So much good. More good things than had ever happened in my home town. 

"Fredrick... I... I want to move here. Like permanently!" I was smiling nervously anticipating his response. "And I want you to join me!" He went silent. Pondering greatly. "...ok." He said, nodding silently. "OK?" I was so enthusiastic. I raised my hands in the air in hapiness and drowned him in my embrace. 

Finally. Life could be better.

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