Chapter 2

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I wake up extra early to prepare for my day out in the rich district to steal, once again. Grandpa is still asleep and I sneak out as quietly as possible.

When I exit the house, I look up at the sleeping city around me. Some birds have started singing melodically as the sun peeks up from the horizon. The sky is a beautiful shade of purple, being chased away by a dazzling crimson red and a golden orb of light. I take in a deep breath of fresh air and make my way towards the rich district.
The smell of freshly baked bread wafts around me and I am immediately reminded that I skipped breakfast as my stomach starts to growl. Walking further into the district, the scent of fresh fish, beer, salted meat, flowers and many more magnificent aromas filled the air. Apples as red as blood and juicier than any fruit I had ever seen piled up high on a stand as a plump old man with whiskers for a moustache yelled out, advertising his apples.

As the towns got busier, I had to start blending in with the shadows. Soldiers were all around, looking out for thieves like me. The sun was directly above me, it was midday. Already, I had stolen a kerchief, three pocket-watches, four money bags and five apples (which were now sitting happily in my stomach). Grandpa Nico will be happy with all I have taken today.

Swiftly, I move around the place more until it is 5 pm- time to head home, fast. As soon as the sun disappeared behind the horizon, floods of soldiers surround the city to protect the citizens. I start to head back home.

When I almost reach home, I smell burning.


Looking up, I see the poorer district up in flames. My eyes widen and my heart races as I run to reach my grandpa. I have to help him!! I am surrounded by ash and cinders as I reach my home town and soldiers are running around the place with weapons. "Have you found the thieving little girl yet?"
"No. She's no where to be seen"

They must be talking about me. With tears burning in my eyes, I run over to the slums, where I reside in and look frantically for Grandpa Nico. After a desperate attempt to find him, I do find him. Barely alive.
"Leone, get out. Quick! They're looking for you and they're not gonna stop until the get you" his voice was hoarse
"Grandpa," burning tears welled up in my eyes, "I can't leave without you"

"Leone. I'm dying"
My heart stopped. And my world started to crumble. My only family, dying. Right in front of me. Again.

"Please. Don't leave me"

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