Chapter 1✨

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Today is the day. Entrance exams for U.A. I'm going to pass. I can feel it. I raced downstairs to catch my parents before they leave. I looked around and only saw Yuki, the housekeeper. "Hey Yuki, are my parents still here?" I asked. "No, they went to work already, Lady Sumiye." She bowed.

"Thank you Yuki, and please call me Shina, you don't need to be so formal." I smiled.

The names Shina Sumiye, and this is where the story begins.

I quickly got dressed to take the entrance exam at U.A. and ate the food that Yuki had made for me. She is very sweet lady that was in her mid 50's, with blue grayish hair, and a tired smile. After eating my food, I grabbed my pink drawstring bag and walked out of the house. Getting to the gate there was my chauffeur, Takeo, waiting to take me to U.A. He is in his late 30's, with dark purple hair and a gentle smile.  During the car ride, I quietly listened to my music to relax my mind for the exam. After taking the written exam weeks prior, I was hopeful to do good on this exam as well. When reaching U.A. I waved bye to Takeo.

Walking into the school, I smiled. I can't believe that I'm actually here. It would have been nice for my parents to see me off but it's ok. I can do this. Just then I received a text.

'hey little sis. Good luck on your exam. you'll do great."

My sister Yasuko, who lives all the way in Tokyo, texted me. The words of encouragement made me feel even more powerful. I was looking down at my phone that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. BAM. I crashed into a person in front of me.

"Hey. Watch where you're going dumbass." The blonde guy standing in front of me said. Dumbass? I really don't want to cause any problems with someone right now.

"Yea, my bad." I smiled. He turned back around with a huff. We both continued walking to the classroom where the instructions were going to be held. He turned back to look at me. He was eyeing me. I guess to see if I was competition. I gave a small smile.

"You know you don't have to worry about me being a threat."

"Huh?! Like hell I-"

"You were looking like you were trying to read me. The names Shina Sumiye, and trust me. I'm no threat."

"But you are competition, everyone here is. Don't tell me shit like that, I didn't come here to make friends idiot."

"Here let's make a deal. If we both pass the exam and make it into U.A. then we can be friends if not... then you never have to see me again. How does that sound?" I smiled.

He was eyeing me up and down before rolling his eyes.

"Whatever. But just so you know I'm going to get into U.A. I'm better than everyone here, including you. So you better do good if you want to pass." He said.

I smirked, "Oh. I plan too." I said as we walked into the classroom together. I sat beside the blonde boy and who I think was his friend from school. "Sorry Kacchan." I heard the green haired boy squeak. 'Kacchan?' Was that his name? At this point I'm just going to have to wait, gives me another reason to get into U.A. I smiled.

        We were listening to what the instructor, who happened to be Present Mic, talk about the exam. We were battling robots to gain points. It's like an in real life video game. I just hope my quirk is good enough....

        My thoughts were interrupted by this tall guy with dark blue hair and glasses. He point out something that seemed like an error on the sheet. But his tone seemed like he was talking down at the school. Like so what if they make a mistake, it's not that big of a deal. To top it all off, he pointed at the kid with green hair, and called him out for no reason. My blood was boiling, that was completely uncalled for. My hands were clenched into fist. The blonde boy smirked at me. "You good, Dimples?"

"People like that annoy the hell out of me." I state. "And Dimples? Really that's the best you could come up with." I looked to the blonde boy.

"At least I gave you a damn nickname."

"Ok, Sure. Whatever you say Blondie." I turned to face the front of the room again.


You're Just Not My Type (Tenya Iida x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora