Chapter 3: Refuge

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The UNSC has been on the highway for 45 minutes now, after the Decepticons raided their home base. They need refuge to settle down and they need the Autobots help. The rest of the military force are separated, since the attack. The Master Chief and Captain Keyes are in the command deck inside the Mammoth and they were suggesting ideas of what they should do. "We need to get to the Autobots." Captain Keyes said.

"But, captain what about the rest of our military." The chief frowns, "We can't just leave them."

"Chief, I don't want to any more complications than we already have." Keyes said, "Our main objective is to get to the Autobots."

The Chief shrugs is off and walks up to the balcony of the Mammoth. The Chief leans forward on the balcony and thinks their main objective should be, is to find the rest of the UNSC. Then a spartan with lime green markings and another color of green walks up to the Master Chief. "Hey, I heard what you and the captain are talking about earlier." then the chief replies, "Really." he said in disbelief. "No, really I do think we should send a search party for them." the spartan said.

The chief expresses the idea and then he storms down stairs and opens to hatch to leave the Mammoth. The spartan follows. The chief confronted another spartan with an orange color on his armor who was driving a warthog. The orange spartan sees what the chief is trying to do and the orange spartan went with it and decides to come join them. 

The three spartans turned the warthog around and drove back to base to find the rest of the UNSC. Captain Keyes watch them from a distance, seeing them drive away from the group. 

Other UNSC Group

"Agent Locke look! the clone base!" spartan Vale shouted.

The UNSC drove in with their warthogs and scorpions, at the clones front lego bridge until they confronted by Commander Cody and two of his 212th legion troopers. "Locke? what brings you here?" Commander Cody asks. "Cody, we need your help. Our base were just raided by Decepticons." Locke said. "Decepticon?... follow me."

Locke follows Cody inside their captains quarters and Locke sees a couple of mini Decepticons tied up. "What are they doing here?"

"We caught them snooping around our base last night, until we caught them and beat them into a pulp." Cody said, "From them we  just found out, they were planning to destroy our base."

"Did you inform your... 'Jedi' Generals" Locke asks in concern.

"We did. Commander Fox sent a squad of 501st clones to the Jedi Temple just 15 minutes ago. I think they should be back right about now."

"Cody!" said a clone with blue markings who looks more distinct than any other 501st trooper.

"Rex, your squad came back so soon?"

"Yes, the Jedi Council are already confronting with the Autobots and I've brought General Skywalker and General Fisto." 

"Agent Locke, what bring you here?" Kit Fisto greeted. 

Captain Keyes Group

Captain Keyes arrived at the Autobot base and he was confronted by Ironhide (Studio Series). Ironhide wouldn't let them in, until Optimus Prime (TF4 Version) came up and allowed them in. Optimus and Keyes had a quick discussion and Keyes gave Optimus a brief of information about what happened. Optimus now knows this is the doing of Megatron and he must confront him. 

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