The four horsemen

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Louisa Adalinde Shaw - Sister of Robert G

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Louisa Adalinde Shaw - Sister of Robert G. Shaw - Daughter
Military Way: Soldier Private - Midshipman on the USS Constitution - Major - Sergeant Major - Major - Colonel - Lieutenant
Portrait: Amanda Seyfried 

Quotes from the Fanfiction:

"What? With you sword? It is too big for stabbing someone so close."
 "Either you make jokes in her name or you show respect. There is no between." - Josephine.
"She is stubborn." - Robert.
"You're drunk"
"Someone  who can fuck me legally"
"You were a little crying bitch when I met you." - Mulcahy.
"Oh my dear Molly." - Mulcahy

Cabot Forbes - Childhood friend of Robert G

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Cabot Forbes - Childhood friend of Robert G. Shaw
Military Way: Soldier Private -Line Officer - Major 54. Masachusettes
Portrait: Cary Elwes

Quotes of the Fanfiction:

"Better be drunk then dead."
"You are too late Robert..."
"Nothing...I'm just tiered"
"Attention: I am going to kiss you."
"Infact...Everytime I see you I lost the words."
"Major Forbes couldn't hold his dick ins his trousers." - Robert.
"Sleek it suits you." - Louisa.

Josephine Marjoline Livingston - The WomanMilitary Way: Soldier Private - Major Portrait: Lilly JamesQuotes from the Fanfiction:"Tell me about yourself

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Josephine Marjoline Livingston - The Woman
Military Way: Soldier Private - Major
Portrait: Lilly James

Quotes from the Fanfiction:

"Tell me about yourself. The boys were very impressed." - Louisa.
"You talk like my sister. Glad that you met me." - Robert.
"The world of men is so narrow and thinks they can do anything with us."
"She helped Robert." - Cabot.
"You don't think I need to flatter you to get more?" - Robert.
"Oh never Colonel."
"I will give everything but I cannot promise anything. You know."

Robert Gould Shaw - Brother of Louisa A

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Robert Gould Shaw - Brother of Louisa A. Shaw - Childhood friend of Cabot Forbes
Military Way: Soldier Private - Line Officer - Captain - Colonel 54. Masachusettes
Portrait: Matthew Broderick

Quotes from the Fanfiction:

"Oh no, he will not start anything."
"I heard her voice you little son of a bitch."
"Maybe I should lead the regiment." - Josephine.
"Should I tell you?"
"He is an asshole." - Louisa.
"You can't do this now. I need you to help me."
"Come Down Now."
"..Mother would kill me..I am your big brother."

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