Part 2

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Kevin and Austin got it assembled and it was half the size of the yard so it was big and once Kevin got a bigger house with a bigger yard she was going to get a bigger one that has monkey bars on it to help her with her motor skills cause she was a little behind on her motor skills right now, and that might be from her mom neglecting her while she was pregnant with Katie or something and Kevin was going to get her checked out as well once this was over cause he was worried about her, and how she was developing as well cause when she walks she stumbles and she has been walking with her walker right now to help her with her balance

"Katie go check it out daddy and papa Austin did this for you" Kevin says as he brings his girl out to play

Kevin helps her cause she was having some problems climbing up the mountain climber part of the swing set

"Daddy and papa is right behind you aren't going to fall backwards" he tells her as she was still climbing up slowly

Austin went to watch her so if she fell forward after she climbed up, he could try to catch her somewhat

"Katie I'm right here" Kevin says as he was watching her cause she was unsure as she was still climbing up to go down the slide

Little by little she made it up like a big girl that she was

"Good girl" he tells her as she toddled around her treehouse right now exploring her new play space

Kevin saw she took her time as she climbed, and he was worried for her, so he was going to make an appointment for her to be seen in time and he was going to start the paperwork to add to the family

(Months later)

Kevin had to be careful with Katie as they went to the doctor's cause of the virus that was around, and Katie's muscles were a little weak, but a little therapy and they will be okay in the long run

"I guess I have to put you on that special drink to help you" he says as he was buckling her in her car seat so they could go home

Before they went home Kevin stopped at the adoption agency to fill out paperwork to adopt and they were going to maybe look at wheelchairs just in case Katie was going to need it later on for her legs cause her doctor wasn't happy right now

"Okay Katie girl I have your wheelchair that you might need to use for your legs cause the doctor says this is from your old mommy" he says as he was talking to her as well

Kevin was okay with helping her through this

"Daddy is always going to be there for you" he says as she hugs him cause she wanted that hug cause it hurt her that she was not going to be like other kids her age

Kevin was going to get her a sibling that was like her that way they could have things in common too cause this is going to be a roller coaster ride for her and he was going to be on it with her and helping her along the way as well cause this was going to be really hard on her to take

"How about some ice cream?" he asks her cause that was one way he could cheer her up and make her feel better as well

Katie loved ice cream, so Kevin was going to take her to get some ice cream

"Here we go sweetie" he says as he was going to help her 

Katie ate really good for Kevin 

'Don't worry Katie I will be here for you" he says as he was having his ice cream as well

After they had their ice cream, he cleaned her up and he took her to the restroom and then they went home to wait for her sibling

(Months later)

 "Katie, am I going have to put in a stoplight for you?" he asks her cause she was getting good at her wheelchair and chasing after Sophie

"No" she says as she went to the restroom 

Soon the phone rang, and Kevin was hoping his heart won't sink when he picks it up cause he was hoping he could foster a special one for the holidays, and it was the adoption agency, and they had a baby that was just brought into their care so he was going to foster it for the holidays cause he had his nonstop toddler and a baby that could use all of his attention 

"Perfect I will see you in a bit" he says as he was going to see if the room was fully ready for the little one   

Merry Christmas 

Happy new Year 

We are continuing for sure work is getting interesting 4 sure

Part 3 is up 

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