Chapter 3

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Have you ever experienced falling from a building in a dream? And when you wake up, you find yourself at the bottom of your bed, realizing you actually fell?

Those events rarely happen to me. But now, I think I just experienced one.

I was having a dream about me being in a pool party with my friends when someone pushed me into the pool, and I drank a lot of water.

And now that I've woken up, I just found myself lying on the seashore. Clothes are all wet. My hair is all over my face. My body is aching and covered in sand. And I can't stop coughing.

Slowly, I tried to open my eyes, only to be welcomed by orange, pink, and purple colors from the clouds in the sky. As soon as the salty air entered my nostrils, I remembered what happened back on the ship.

"Shit" My throat hurts, and my voice is barely audible.

I tried to stand up, but I failed.

It seems like I don't have enough strength to do it, plus my head is throbbing painfully.

Really shit.

I calmed myself and tried to catch my breath, which was running out because of my continued coughing.

I looked around at my surroundings, and I think I'm on an island. Aside from the sound of the ocean waves, I could also hear insects buzzing and birds chirping all over the grass and tall trees in the woods.

It's already dusk; it's not too long before night comes.

I looked around the shore, and there was no trace of life there. No boats. No ship. Just a deep blue ocean.

Shit, what am I going to do? I don't know where I am, and I don't have any means to communicate with someone.

This island looks totally isolated. It almost looks haunted. And I'm doubting if someone could find me here.

Tears are starting to build up in my eyes.

How can I survive? I don't have anything to eat. I don't know how to catch a fish. And there's no way I would journey into the woods just to find fruits. Who knows if there are any wild animals in there?

I tried my best to walk. My right leg is throbbing because of the previous wound. Thankfully, it wasn't bleeding. Thanks to the piece of clothing tied to it.

Oh, wait.

Holy shit. I remember Xu Jiaqi, the girl I hate, as the one who helped me with my wound. And as far as I could remember, she tried to protect me by hugging me right before the explosion happened and both of us were thrown out!

But where is she? Did she manage to stay in the place where we got thrown out and get rescued already? Or is she on the same island as me? Or perhaps she drowned already and is now dead?

I mentally scolded myself for thinking that she had died. I mean, I might hate her with all my heart, but I don't want her dead. It's better to wonder if she's actually here on the same island as me.

Don't get me wrong, though; I don't want her in my life, and I don't want to do anything involving her. If I can choose to be stuck on an island with someone, it's definitely not her. However, I don't have any choices. It's either her or no one.

In the hope that she might be here, or at least anyone who got thrown out of the ship too (I'm sure we're not the only ones who got sent flying out of the ship after the explosion), I decided to trail the shore and search. I don't have anything better to do. I might as well check if I'm really alone (which I hope not) or if someone is with me.

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