Now I Know How Hephaestus Felt (In more ways than one)

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Why? Why would you pay someone to let you fall 10,000-15,000 feet in the air when you have more chance of dying than when driving?! Well I've got news for you, Mortals: I did it for free. And without a parachute, too. Yep, just call Zeus for all your celebratory needs; I hear he turns women into cows in order to hide affairs from his wife, too. What a party trick.

In case you needed to know, I'm (Y/N) and I'm a goddess...Was a goddess, I mean...It's a long story.

We start the story with me falling from the sky. Why was goddess falling from the sky, you ask? Because I'm a minor goddess, and there's a whole thing where minor deities don't get the same rights or credibility as the major ones. So when things go wrong, Guess who gets blamed. That's right: Us.

Anyways back to the me falling part: I was in fact plummeting through the air, and the ground was approaching wrather quickly. I wish I could tell you I did some sort of cool flip in the air and safely parkoured my way down. However, all that was going through my godly brain right then was scrambled up letters and sounds that not even Athena could translate. 

I winced at the landing, an unfamiliar ache running through my body. I rolled over on my back the best I could, trying to regain the breath I had lost. (My throat was sore. Had I been screaming?) It was apparent I had thrown off Zeus's mood: judging by the storm clouds forming at an alarmingly fast rate. Jokes on him: I liked the rain. 

I sat up to the best of my ability. It looked like I had landed in an alleyway, with with large metal cans, which from the stench, I could only assume were filled with waste of some kind. I startled as something large and blue passed, blaring something I could only describe as some sort of strange music (rap?).

Even from the little I had seen, I could tell the world was much different then when I left it.

I hadn't been outside of Mt. Olympus since...I don't know, 1790? And that was only for a brief field trip to learn about that new country. What was it called? America? Zeus was pretty smug about his animal being the official mascot of the up and coming union. (I still think a/an (F/A) would have made a pretty badass mascot.) 

Since then, I had only heard stories, and enjoyed the things that other immortals brought back from trips (I'm rather fond of Video Games). Olympus seemed to change with the times as well, so I had thought I knew everything there was to know. However, it was much more different seeing it firsthand. 

I began to grow a bit nervous. How was I going to make my way through this unfamiliar new world? 

My question was answered, as something fell into my lap. It was a...backpack? The backpack wasn't very big or heavy: just the right size for the important things. It was camo, and had a word stitched onto the front pocket: Eos.

My stomach twisted and my mind was brought back to what had led up to this moment..


               "Must we really be brash about this, Eos?" The dismissiveness in his voice made my blood boil.

              "I am no longer Eos,"  I spat. "I am Enyo. In this form I am unbreakable."      

Zeus's expression remained passive at my words, though he frowned slightly as if there were an insect buzzing around his head.

               "If you wish to life without company of men-free of heartbreak-you could join my daughter in the hunt. There are no men to break your heart within her company. Otherwise I will have to resort to punishment...I think you know what that means," 

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